• 9 years ago
Esaar Microfinance – Interest Free
Inspired by Islamic values and teachings; HHRD build up its microfinance program on Shariah principles. HHRD believes that poor people need variety of services and access of financial services together with capacity building is indeed one of the important components to help them to come out of poverty cycle. In addition, it is also significantly desirable that these services should be in compliance to religious norms of majority of poor people.

HHRD’s Esaar Microfinance program directly contributes in achieving third strategic goal of HHRD i.e. “assist and empower the people in need.” It also addresses the thematic priority of poverty alleviation as outlined in MDGs goals and contributes in achieving MDGs goal 1 and 3 . It does so by focusing on capacity building and sustainable financing modes. Together with capacity building and skill enhancement it provides financial services in terms of micro financing so that poor have their own sustainable source of income or strengthen their enterprises so that they can sustain unpredictable economic shocks

