Hextech Crafting Is Awesome, But Missing Important Things! Like if you enjoyed →NERF To Fiora/Yi/Lux: →Subscribe For More!
The new rewards system that will be coming to LOL soon.
FINALLY, YOU CAN GET SKINS WITHOUT RP! Hextech Crafting baby! ▻AP Jhin wot?
HEXTECH CRAFTING & LOOT EXPLAINED - Tutorial (Chests Opening). LOL League of Legends 2016 ▻SUBSCRIBE: .
All what you need to know about Loot and Hextech Crafting in League Of Legends.
The new rewards system that will be coming to LOL soon.
FINALLY, YOU CAN GET SKINS WITHOUT RP! Hextech Crafting baby! ▻AP Jhin wot?
HEXTECH CRAFTING & LOOT EXPLAINED - Tutorial (Chests Opening). LOL League of Legends 2016 ▻SUBSCRIBE: .
All what you need to know about Loot and Hextech Crafting in League Of Legends.