Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part 2) - The Community Guidelines

  • 8 years ago
In this video I'm gonna remind Youtube about it's Community Guidelines, cus thye've clearly fucking forgotten, and I'm snitch some channels out. Just gonna point out some of the worst things on Youtube in the hopes it wakes YouTube up into doing something.

Lol doubt there's much of a chance of that happening, but a man can dream.

I need one just in case my channel ever fucks off due to some bullshit copyright strike or something. Not got ANYTHING UP there yet, but it's there as a precaution.

Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool.

Also, here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/gradeaundera
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gradeaundera
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gradeaundera
Steam: GradeAUnderA
Reddit username: GradeAUnderA
Mother's Maiden Name: GradeAUnderA

Much love to all my biggest supporters on Patreon!
The following people need to make form a mob so we can raid Youtube HQ and personally deliver our angry letter to them, expressing our anger:
Andy, Osama A, Zachary C, Alex M, Tom L, Azman, Lipton, Kevin R and Prithvi S