• 9 years ago
The Peterville Diamond (1943)
1h 25min | Comedy, Drama | 11 January 1943 (UK)

A bored and ignored wife tries to get her executive husband's attention by buying the extravagant Peterville Diamond, but she gets mixed up with a jewel thief.

Director: Walter Forde

Writers: Ladislas Fodor (play) (as Laszlo Fodor), Gordon Wellesley (adaptation)

Stars: Anne Crawford, Donald Stewart, Renee Houston
00:01:28More coffee for 23. This is the third lot. Okay. I honeymoon perhaps
00:01:33Honeymoon this senior is much too busy
00:01:39Come in
00:01:41So that the ordinary shareholders may for once have the opportunity of participating in whatever profits may accrue from the development of this property
00:01:48Oh, yes, put it down there. Will you?
00:01:52Now let me see the reserve fund of
00:01:561,500 thousand and the number two deficiency fund of 800,000
00:02:03No, no, miss teacher
00:02:07Will be sufficient for the time
00:02:10Press your senior. Oh, yes, that'll be all. Thank you very much. Yes
00:02:17You did say you wouldn't have a cup didn't you dear I think I can keep awake without black coffee. Thank you very much
00:02:23Oh good
00:02:24I'm sorry about having all this work to do. That was exactly the same way during his lifetime. In fact, it's a marvel
00:02:30You're here at all. That's right. Now, where were we?
00:02:35The speech the ordinary shareholder, mr. Montemar. Oh, yes the ordinary shareholder
00:02:41Due to president Los Angeles flight from the country with the national assets
00:02:45There has been very little in the way of dividends to distribute now. However, we feel that we're in a position
00:02:52to make a gesture
00:02:55Not necessarily an extravagant gesture
00:02:59Towards those many small stockholders who have for so long
00:03:04Metaphorically, of course carried us on their backs on their backs
00:03:13Something amusing you darling
00:03:15Only the idea of your being carried along a lot of small banks. I was speaking metaphorically my dear
00:03:21That's what I largely complain about
00:03:25You're so metaphorical
00:03:28In everything
00:03:32Yes, but we must pursue a more
00:03:36conservative policy
00:03:38We must think of the small investor. You think so much of the small investor. It's a pity you didn't marry it
00:03:44I am preparing my speech for the board beating my pet. There'll be no time after we get in there's never any time for anything
00:03:51We've had six weeks in the sierras and when you haven't been on the long distance telephone you've been dictating speeches letters reports
00:03:58Aren't you ever going to stop? Uh, that's the penalty of being important. I've got to carry on where dad left off
00:04:06With regard to that new santa rosa dredging plant
00:04:10Uh, we have made an accurate check
00:04:14Accurate check accurate check accurate check
00:04:18Accurate check
00:04:40Make an open eskete. I want five minutes with baron redburn before the president arrives. Good morning, sir. Pleasant journey. I hope
00:04:46Your train was 10 minutes late nine and a half minutes dill fellow. Pardon me madam 10 minutes
00:04:51Don't argue with dill fellow, honey. He's always right. That's why he's my general manager
00:04:56The board meeting is already in the library sir waiting for you. Shall I be seeing you again before this evening?
00:05:01Yes, of course darling. I'm going to be here all day. Oh
00:05:04That means I shall not be seeing you again before this evening. That's right
00:05:09Any word from the baron except your invitation for tonight, sir? Oh good that ought to impress the president
00:05:15I understand he needs a lot of impressing too
00:05:17Everything else. All right, naturally, sir. All arrangements for the reception are complete lady margaret lady margaret. Is she still here?
00:05:24I thought she was leaving four days ago. She was sir, but owing to unforeseen circumstances, I know
00:05:29She's the greatest foreseer of unforeseen circumstances i've ever known. Isn't that woman ever going home?
00:05:33You know, she hates her home since her last husband died. I don't know why he was never there
00:05:39Morning gentlemen
00:05:47There were the evenings I suppose. Oh, yes, there were the evenings that's when we really enjoyed ourselves at least charles did
00:05:53Charles don't stop go on tell me charles simply loves his bridge
00:05:57Especially when he has a president to play with give him a president and he's happy. Well, all right, give him a president
00:06:03It's a very simple problem, honey. It's merely a battle between you and your husband's business
00:06:07You hold all the aces, but you don't know how to play them. Why not take a few lessons from me?
00:06:12No, it's no use
00:06:14I've done everything I possibly can to please him even to entertaining his stuffy friends, but no
00:06:19He's just picking up where his dad left off. What's wrong with that? His dad died at 78
00:06:25If you get what I mean ever tried annoying him. You can't annoy charles ever tried being extravagant
00:06:31I am extravagant. He doesn't even notice it going to be more extravagant for instance the peterville diamond
00:06:38the what
00:06:39Why don't be crazy margaret the peterville diamond isn't for sale. Oh, yes it is
00:06:44Louis of the avenida rio's got it. It's for sale. All right, but charles would have a fit
00:06:49Still it would be marvelous. I mean
00:06:52No, charles would never buy it. Look terry
00:06:54You've just simply got to get this ring if he doesn't buy it then someone else must that'll make him sit up
00:07:00Anyway, supposing charles does buy the ring. What do you get out of it? Nothing darling. I'm only doing it to help you
00:07:05my usual 10 of course
00:07:08Oh, he'd never go for the peterville diamond
00:07:10He'd divorce me first, of course if you haven't got the nerve to ask him
00:07:20Now as you well know, this is a government concession, but I have no doubt that after meeting the new president tonight
00:07:26That the boundary will run somewhere from the ink stand
00:07:30Right to the cigarette box. Yes
00:07:33Can I talk to you my sweet?
00:07:36You can talk to me all the time senora
00:07:41Well, what is it? Oh, I regret it's for you senor
00:07:46Oh heck my darling
00:07:49Oh, it's you dear. Well, yes charles, of course it is. Well, i'm sorry. I can't talk to you now. I'm very busy
00:07:54Oh, why not charles? I've got something to tell you. Well, you'll have to tell me later. Oh charles
00:08:01I'm in a board meeting. Goodbye
00:08:06He's in a board meeting well, it can't last forever neither can my patience
00:08:10I'm sick of being put on the agenda under the heading of other business
00:08:14You're quite right. Charles is due for a lesson
00:08:17I'll tell you what to do. I tried it on sebastian once and it worked
00:08:27Mr. Dillfellow, where is mr. Mortimer still at the board meeting?
00:08:32He'll be some time. They haven't got past the main sewage yet
00:08:37He will be busy all the afternoon, won't he in jupiter room?
00:08:42Thank you
00:09:02Hello adrian
00:09:03Hello, darling
00:09:06Yes, just got back
00:09:08Why of course I've missed you dear
00:09:11What charles?
00:09:14Don't be so silly. He never asks questions
00:09:17No, i'm not a wife. I'm just a frozen acid
00:09:21Darling, how thrilling
00:09:24No, you mustn't now. I wouldn't dream of allowing you to spend all that money. Oh, I can't go on saying no. Can I?
00:09:33All right, then well
00:09:35Louis avenue de rio at five o'clock
00:09:40All right, darling it's a date
00:10:14I can't understand terry preferring another man and not having the courage to tell me
00:10:19Woman is a perpetual paradox. How do you know? I've read
00:10:24Well, i'll bet she doesn't come she's already
00:10:2830 seconds late
00:10:46Ah, this is more than you are expected this way, please
00:10:53Mr. Louis will be with us in just one minute you sit down, please
00:11:00That is right, I don't complain that is exactly right
00:11:06Now the immediate problem sir
00:11:09Is whether the gentleman has already arrived or whether he is about to arrive?
00:11:13If we enter the shop too soon, it may be premature
00:11:18if on the other hand we leave it
00:11:20too late
00:11:22Too late brilliant
00:11:24Oh, there you are. Terry
00:11:27mrs. Mortimer
00:11:29Lady margaret informs me you are interested in the peterville diamond. Yes most interested
00:11:36Not a sign of him not a single sign he doesn't care if I have half a dozen lovers
00:11:44Is it not magnificent look madame
00:11:54It's wonderful
00:11:57What millions of people would do for that would do they have
00:12:01More than a dozen people have served sentences in jail for it madame. Oh, really? How interesting
00:12:07Madam's husband is late. Well, perhaps he is a busy man. You have no idea how busy he is
00:12:16There he is he's just arrived he's kissing her hand let me see
00:12:30George is one of my most trusted servants. It was he who purchased serene from the countess really
00:12:37That is all dogged. You may go now. Oh, I'm a nun. I miss you
00:12:44Pardon me, sir. Not at all
00:12:46Why chance?
00:12:48Whatever are you doing here? Well, I suppose I just kind of dropped in. Oh, did you know I was here?
00:12:53Oh, no, of course not. You didn't oh
00:12:55Well, I wasn't certain about it
00:12:59You see there was a bit of doubt about it. Oh, I see
00:13:03You don't think I followed you. Do you didn't you?
00:13:06Weren't you just a little bit suspicious suspicious? Oh, darling. Don't be so utterly ridiculous seemed very certain Charles
00:13:13Supposing I came here to meet a man who wanted to buy me a present a rather expensive present Charles
00:13:18The peterville diamond in fact the peterville diamond. I don't know what you're talking about. I think you do
00:13:25If you knew somebody like me enough to do that, what would you do? Well, naturally darling. I'd break his neck. Oh
00:13:32Then you were just a little bit jealous. Weren't you be jealous? Don't be silly dear. I'm not a child
00:13:39Then why are you here? Well
00:13:42I um, I remembered that your birthday is next month the month after next I guess of course
00:13:47How can you be such a beast? I can't remember everything. It doesn't matter
00:13:52Why don't you buy her the ring?
00:13:54Sure dozens of them. Mr. Mortimer care to examine the ring. Okay
00:13:59Well, it looks all right to me. Is it real?
00:14:03I'm afraid this isn't my line of country. You see I deal in machinery things that work this works do charles
00:14:09You'd be surprised and i'll bet
00:14:17All right, how much
00:14:23Well, you know where I can write a check
00:14:34He's treating me like a spoilt baby
00:14:37He's not even jealous i'm going. Oh stick around if only for the sake of my commission
00:14:42Don't you realize charles is only buying you this ring because he loves you
00:14:45He's buying it because writing a check is less of a nuisance than making love
00:14:50Oh, I wish I could do something to shock him
00:14:595 25 correct, correct, sir
00:15:25Yes, sir, oh this was purchased here some time ago i'd like to buy another
00:15:30Exactly like that. Exactly if possible
00:15:33Of course, we have a variety of scent sprays gold platinum broad silver
00:15:37Well, if possible, I would like to match this but you might show me what you have
00:15:41If you'll kindly take a seat, sir, i'll bring some to you. Uh, just a moment
00:15:44I realize it must be quite near your closing time. Perhaps you could take me to where they are
00:15:48Thank you, sir this way, please
00:15:57Now this is a fine piece of work hand brought in gold
00:16:00Oh, no, I don't think it'll suit the kind of perfume. This is rather an unusual perfume
00:16:06Don't you think so
00:16:44I uh
00:16:45I don't want to alarm the other people in the shop, but I think your colleague has fainted fainted monsieur
00:16:50Yes, i'm afraid so I think you better come along and see what you can do. Oh, but certainly monsieur
00:17:03I did what I could to him, uh before him, but didn't he complain of anything sir?
00:17:07Oh, not a thing, but it didn't have time most extraordinary, you know, I just showed him my scent spray like this
00:17:14Gave him a whiff of perfume
00:17:16like this
00:17:17and he
00:17:19And he
00:17:22Just passed out
00:17:46Not a sound just stand perfectly naturally
00:17:53Shall I keep your moment? Oh
00:17:55Thanks very much. Don't mention it. Uh, I take it. You're not here for the purpose of robbing this establishment good gracious. No
00:18:02Whatever makes so splendid. I hate sharing profits. Yes, sir. I'm sure you do most unsatisfactory evidently a businessman
00:18:10More or less and how is business
00:18:12Pretty fair pretty fair but rather to stand still at the moment I expect
00:18:17Held up one might say one might say we're rather
00:18:21held up
00:18:46Thank you, mr. Watson, sir, good evening
00:18:54Who are you i'm joseph now, what do you think you're doing shutting up shop sir? Thank you joseph i'll take over from here
00:19:04Now back up to that counter all of you and you
00:19:10Come on get by that counter come on louis
00:19:16Your insurance in order that is none of your business that means it must be in order
00:19:19Otherwise you'd be squawking like a stuck pig
00:19:22I can't tell you how much I regret this inconvenience. Oh, please don't mention it
00:19:26Oh, that's extremely charming of you kindly talk to me and not my wife
00:19:30your wife
00:19:33Congratulations, how did you do it boy? No, i'm nervous
00:19:42You sir move over here
00:19:47All right, put it down now step over to that panel and open it yes, that's the one
00:19:55The fourth draw from the top
00:19:57There's nothing in it. Uh, thank you louis, but i'll still take a look and carry on mr
00:20:02Uh, the name is dill fellow, uh
00:20:05Come along louis. You must be anxious to show us your treasures. I refuse afraid
00:20:08There's a cuckoo in the nest a cuckoo. Certainly not. Let me have those cases over here
00:20:12Here andre your assistants must be laying down on the job
00:20:16Uh kindly open those cases
00:20:24Hide the ring before he sees it
00:20:26He's got nerve enough for anything
00:20:29That's what I admire
00:20:34But charming you like it i'll take it
00:20:42Exquisite you like it i'll take it
00:20:49Now that's very disappointing louis
00:20:52So you see what I mean madam the matching is only second rate yes, I know but the general effect is delightful you think so
00:21:01Then i'll take it
00:21:05Thank you empty that and we'll put this stuff in there I refuse refuse well, I protest quickly
00:21:16Thank you
00:21:19I guess it's not bad. It's not good. What have you got in there?
00:21:28That's rather beautiful
00:21:33Pack them in there
00:21:35Please do not take these jewels take anything else you like in the shop, but not these please
00:21:39I'm, sorry louis. I know what I want and I must have it
00:21:45We are now going to the strong room it's a waste of time we shall see
00:21:49We are all going to the strong room and louis will lead the way
00:21:53We are all going
00:21:57I refuse I congratulate you on the charming way you refuse but unfortunately, I must insist if please
00:22:19Open up the treasure house louis
00:22:21What can I do evidently very little I shall see the chief of police about this and now will you please step inside?
00:22:34Maybe we can't spare the time to thoroughly investigate this place. However, I happen to know there's little value here the
00:22:40Rockstein emeralds the bourbon tiara that much porn piece of vulgarity the peterbilt
00:22:47Now there is something worthwhile
00:22:51The peterbilt diamond, of course, that's why you're all here
00:22:57But enchanting do you mind stepping just outside keep in sight I won't I think you will
00:23:04Why you swine business before pleasure and pearls before swine, thank you
00:23:11You can't leave us here
00:23:16Goodbye and thank you very much
00:23:20I'll fix you
00:23:30You don't be so much pleasant if you just hand me the peterbilt diamond in the friendliest fashion
00:23:35Why pleasanter because I must have it
00:23:38But haven't you stolen enough as it is
00:23:40You ought to be able to live in comfort for years, but not in luxury. No, the consideration is not financial
00:23:46No, no
00:23:47You see I take a pride in my work and to overlook the peterbilt diamond. Well
00:23:52I'd never forgive myself
00:24:02You're being very difficult it's scarcely kind kind
00:24:07How quaint why should I be kind? Well, I had a feeling you were on my side
00:24:13I must have been wrong
00:24:15My husband has just bought from this ring and naturally I don't want to lose him and may I ask if the attachment is sentimental
00:24:22or otherwise
00:24:24You may ask
00:24:26But you must realize that I can't leave this place without the peterbilt diamond. I'd be failing as a professional
00:24:33Uh, couldn't we make it rather the word has a richer tone?
00:24:37Yes, perhaps so
00:24:39On the whole. I think I like it better. Yes. He is outside with that crook and the president coming a fine thing
00:24:46The president oh, please don't tell him anything about this robbery. Mr
00:24:49Mortimer I beg of you and why not why not the jewels were the property of the state
00:24:52I was commissioned to sell them and if they are not recovered I shall be shot. I can't struggle with you. That'd be crude
00:24:58I can't leave the diamond. That would be
00:25:00Unprofessional. I can't expect you to give it to me. That'd be foolish
00:25:06Could of course use this gun don't be absurd
00:25:08But it's the only logical thing to do it fulfills every obligation. It saves your pride and proves your courage
00:25:14It justifies my existence as a robber because only a man who's prepared to make good his bluff would go around committing robbery under arms
00:25:23I'm afraid that it has to be done
00:25:25If you think you can scare me into giving you this ring, you're mistaken
00:25:29I know you're bluffing and I warn you as I lay your lifeless fallen up couch
00:25:33I shall give you a farewell kiss. You wouldn't dare
00:25:36I did warn you. No, stop
00:26:0310 seconds more, you know what to do. Thank you, sir. You'll have just one minute start
00:26:06There'll be no mistakes because we never make mistakes. Do we joseph? No, sir
00:26:11Fernandez will be waiting at the corner. He'll hand you the briefcase and you'll receive the money everything clear as daylight, sir
00:27:14Uh, excuse me a light senor certainly
00:27:32Thanks, buddy
00:27:39Thank you, buddy
00:27:48It's the lucky thing I was about this might have got lost what happened some cops slept fernandez what and I slept the cop
00:27:55Holy smoke, let's get home
00:28:24All right, oh this morning I have breakfast in bed
00:28:27Andre, wake up. We've been robbed.
00:28:30Huh? We've been robbed.
00:28:32Robbed? Certainly not the people.
00:28:35Where is everybody? Where's Mr. Louis?
00:28:37Oh, look.
00:28:38Mrs. Mortimer.
00:28:42Mrs. Mortimer, wake up, Mrs. Mortimer.
00:28:44Oh, Mrs. Mortimer.
00:28:46Oh, Pierre, this is terrible.
00:28:48On the contrary, it's beautiful.
00:28:51Wake up, Mrs. Mortimer. What happened?
00:28:53Where is everyone? Where is Mr. Louis?
00:28:56Well, the last I saw of them, they were being locked in the strongroom.
00:28:59Locked in the strongroom? Oh, c'est terrible.
00:29:04Quick, Pierre. Pierre, the combination.
00:29:06Quick, Pierre, so we'll get in.
00:29:10If you're going to let them out, please don't make too much noise.
00:29:20Come on, open this gate and let us out of here.
00:29:22Where have you been?
00:29:23Lying on the floor.
00:29:24Lying on the floor? Marvelous.
00:29:26Of course you do. You are unconscious.
00:29:27Unconscious? You are always unconscious.
00:29:29Open this gate. Open it.
00:29:32Where's my wife?
00:29:33Over there, sir.
00:29:37As soon as no one touches anything, I will call the police.
00:29:39Terry, Terry, are you all right?
00:29:43Oh, hello, Charles, darling.
00:29:46What fun we've been having.
00:29:48What happened?
00:29:49Oh, how on earth can I remember before I'm properly awake?
00:29:52You must give me time.
00:29:53But you were alone with him.
00:29:55Yes, Charles.
00:29:56Well, what happened?
00:29:57Don't rush her, Charles. Give her time to think.
00:30:00She shouldn't need time to think about a thing like this.
00:30:04Terry, Terry, do try and help.
00:30:07I'm trying to help, Charles. Please don't be so unreasonable.
00:30:11But you were alone with that thief.
00:30:13Well, what's the difference?
00:30:14A world of difference.
00:30:16Well, anyway, you were alone with him.
00:30:18Where were the two assistants?
00:30:19I don't know.
00:30:21Then you were alone.
00:30:22Oh, don't keep on saying you were alone.
00:30:25Terry, did he...
00:30:27Was he unpleasant?
00:30:29Not at all.
00:30:31On the contrary.
00:30:34Embarrassingly, Frank, to say the least of it,
00:30:36you might have screamed for help if only for the sake of appearances.
00:30:38He didn't seem to need any help.
00:30:40Why, was there a struggle?
00:30:41Was there a struggle? Ha, ha.
00:30:43You don't seem to realize how helpless I was.
00:30:45Yes, I'm just beginning to.
00:30:48Did you give him that ring?
00:30:51Oh, I suppose I must have.
00:30:53Well, don't you know?
00:30:56Oh, rubbish.
00:30:57Something swept me right off my feet.
00:31:00And I'm not back to earth yet.
00:31:02Yes, I can see that.
00:31:03You're behaving like someone who's been hypnotized.
00:31:07Could that have been it?
00:31:09Fascinating thought.
00:31:11And what a pity it's all over.
00:31:15I see it all, sir.
00:31:17The thief and this fellow, Adrian.
00:31:20You know, the man whom she spoke to on the telephone.
00:31:23One and the same.
00:31:24Don't be stupid.
00:31:26Thanks very much.
00:31:28Oh, such an idiot, Terry.
00:31:29Charles has done nothing to deserve this.
00:31:31Anybody who has done nothing as regularly as Charles deserves all he gets.
00:31:35Didn't you say he ought to be shocked?
00:31:37Well, yes, I did, but why be shocked?
00:31:40The police are likely to be here.
00:31:42Pierre, get those doors open.
00:31:43Yes, sir.
00:31:44The police?
00:31:45That means more delay.
00:31:46I tell you, I'm not going to wait here for the police.
00:31:48No, we're not.
00:31:49And I resent being brought here.
00:31:50I've got a most important engagement at my house.
00:31:52The president is calling.
00:31:54I'm quite aware of the president's movement, Senior Mortimer.
00:31:56That's part of my job.
00:31:57This is another part.
00:31:58Now, please, let's take one thing at a time.
00:32:00But we've told you all we know.
00:32:02We agree...
00:32:03Except for the description of the wanted man.
00:32:05Senora Mortimer doesn't agree with anyone.
00:32:07Senora Mortimer is mistaken.
00:32:09Why should she be?
00:32:10She has her own powers of observation.
00:32:11You still stick to your description of this man, Senor?
00:32:15He was tall, slender, well-dressed.
00:32:18He was not.
00:32:19He was short, middle-aged, and fat.
00:32:21He was nothing of the kind.
00:32:22Oh, yes, he was, and you know it.
00:32:24He also had a beard.
00:32:26Very well.
00:32:27He was short, middle-aged, and fat.
00:32:30And with an extremely common manner.
00:32:33He was young and good-looking.
00:32:34And you know it.
00:32:35Surely you're not jealous.
00:32:37Oh, will somebody help this woman to remember?
00:32:39Senora, please, think again.
00:32:41You had an equal chance to observe him.
00:32:43An equal chance?
00:32:44She had a better chance.
00:32:45They were alone together.
00:32:46Listen, honey, if you're going to stick to this story, we'll be here all night.
00:32:49All right.
00:32:50That's fine.
00:32:51Let's be here all night.
00:32:53You do realize you may be helping this man to escape, Senora?
00:32:56Oh, quite.
00:32:57He must not escape.
00:32:58Think of me.
00:32:59If the state jewels are not recovered, I shall be ruined for the rest of my life.
00:33:02He will not escape.
00:33:04Why not?
00:33:05Our chief does not allow criminals to escape.
00:33:10Chief, why not compromise, accept both descriptions, and arrest everybody who fits them?
00:33:14But, Senora, that's impossible.
00:33:16I can't arrest every man in the city.
00:33:18I don't get it.
00:33:20I just don't get it.
00:33:22You've been in a strange mood all day.
00:33:24Have I?
00:33:25I wonder why.
00:33:29Senora, do you think you'd recognize this man if you saw him again?
00:33:33Of course.
00:33:34Then that settles everything.
00:33:35Two men have been arrested.
00:33:37They're outside now.
00:33:40Have them brought in, will you?
00:33:41Yes, sir.
00:33:54Well, Senora, now which of these men is the criminal?
00:34:01Neither of them.
00:34:02Well, for once, I agree with you.
00:34:04These crooks look like crooks.
00:34:06Our crooks didn't.
00:34:07Didn't what?
00:34:08Look like crooks.
00:34:09By stardard, I'm a cop myself.
00:34:12Bankers Protection Bureau.
00:34:13Yeah, that's right.
00:34:14Montauk's the name.
00:34:15Well, why didn't somebody tell me you were from the bank?
00:34:17And who's this man, your prisoner?
00:34:18M. Fernandez.
00:34:20He's a receiver wanted in 15 states.
00:34:22I caught him with a stolen jewel from Louis.
00:34:24That's splendid.
00:34:25You've been wasting everybody's time.
00:34:26This gentleman's made a brilliant arrest.
00:34:28Take those off.
00:34:29Ladies and gentlemen, I need not detain you any longer.
00:34:31I should think not.
00:34:32I apologize.
00:34:34Oh, uh, Senora.
00:34:36I hope your memory improves.
00:34:38Thanks very much.
00:34:39Come on.
00:34:40We'll be late.
00:34:41We'll never make it.
00:34:42Thanks very much.
00:34:46Well, where is it?
00:34:47Where's what?
00:34:48The stolen jewelry.
00:34:49I haven't got it.
00:34:50What do you mean you haven't got it?
00:34:52You said you had.
00:34:53Well, it's like this, Chief.
00:34:54This guy gets it from some other guy.
00:34:56So I slugs him and gets it.
00:34:58Then some other guy slugs me and he gets it.
00:35:00Well, where is it now?
00:35:02In a briefcase.
00:35:13Well, Joseph, that was one of our neatest jobs.
00:35:16I got back to the party, established an alibi,
00:35:18and nobody even noticed I'd been away.
00:35:21Yes, I, uh...
00:35:23Everything according to plan.
00:35:25Well, not quite, sir.
00:35:26What do you mean?
00:35:29What happened?
00:35:30Fernandez got pinched.
00:35:32So having both the goods and the cash,
00:35:33don't you think we ought to scram, sir?
00:35:35Certainly not.
00:35:36And don't say scram, Joseph.
00:35:37It's old-fashioned.
00:35:38Yes, but Fernandez might talk.
00:35:39No, he won't talk.
00:35:40They haven't got a shred of evidence against him.
00:35:42We've got that and we've got the money, too.
00:35:44Now, I'll tell you what they will do.
00:35:46They'll let him go in the hopes that he'll lead them to us.
00:35:49You mean, then, that you won't, uh, scram?
00:35:51Yes, sir.
00:35:52Certainly not.
00:35:53Why should we?
00:35:54We've got nothing to worry about.
00:35:55They've got nothing on us.
00:35:56I'm established as the baron.
00:35:57I'm on a business trip from Europe,
00:35:58and tonight I meet the president.
00:36:00You mean you're going through with that?
00:36:01Through with it?
00:36:02Of course I am.
00:36:03After tonight, we'll know where half the jewelry in the country
00:36:05spends its spare time.
00:36:06And we can pick it up in hours.
00:36:09Yes, what are we going to do with that stuff?
00:36:11Well, I could unpack the trunk with the false bottoms, sir.
00:36:13Yeah, that's exactly where some dumb cop would look for it.
00:36:15Now, I tell you what we'll do.
00:36:17We won't hide it.
00:36:20No, we'll just...
00:36:22We'll just...
00:36:24No, we'll just...
00:36:27Just put it down over here.
00:36:29What, leave it on the desk, sir?
00:36:31On the principle that no one ever sees what's under their noses.
00:36:34Now, would you, uh...
00:36:36Would you say that was under my nose?
00:36:37Pretty much so, sir.
00:36:38Spend it.
00:36:39Then let's forget it.
00:36:40I'm going to.
00:36:41In fact, I'm going to bath and change.
00:36:42How's the, uh...
00:36:43We're guarding this situation, all right?
00:36:45Well, I'm afraid it isn't, sir.
00:36:46Oh, you'd better slip out and get some.
00:36:48We must look our best for the rest.
00:36:49Right, sir.
00:36:51I had to cancel several of your appointments, Mr. Mortimer.
00:36:53You see, you never let me know where you were.
00:36:55Didn't I?
00:36:56Fancy that.
00:36:57Well, where were you?
00:36:58In jail.
00:36:59Now you're satisfied?
00:37:00Yes, Mr. Mortimer.
00:37:01Don't gape at me.
00:37:02Go and do something, anything.
00:37:03Lay out my clothes.
00:37:04The president will be here and we'll only be half-dressed.
00:37:06Maybe he'll like us better that way.
00:37:08And you girls don't take an hour to get ready, either.
00:37:10It only takes me ten minutes.
00:37:12Let's have things done my way for a change.
00:37:14Oh, get out.
00:37:17Well, at least you've broken his apathy.
00:37:19Yes, your plan worked.
00:37:20I haven't had such a thrilling day for ages.
00:37:22Yes, too thrilling.
00:37:49Hey, I'm looking for a guy.
00:38:14And what kind of a guy do you find yourself looking for?
00:38:17I find myself looking for a little guy with a raft of gardenias.
00:38:22They would not be magnolia.
00:38:24No, they wouldn't.
00:38:25They're black-eyed Susan's leaves.
00:38:27I said gardenias and you can't unsell me.
00:38:30Everybody to his taste.
00:38:32What was that?
00:38:34Thank you, Joseph.
00:38:36Do you happen to know where I put my second best passport?
00:38:38Yes, sir.
00:38:39In the briefcase in the car with the rest of the other papers.
00:38:42Hey, you.
00:38:43You seen a guy with gardenias?
00:38:45A whole flock of them.
00:38:47You mean in the elevator?
00:38:48I mean anywheres at all.
00:38:50Only Senor Joseph.
00:38:51Oh, now we're getting places.
00:38:53Senor Joseph.
00:38:54Who and what is Senor Joseph?
00:38:56He goes for the baron.
00:38:58No kidding.
00:38:59Well, buddy, just waft me up to him.
00:39:01I've got a notion I'm going to do for him.
00:39:07What did you think of her?
00:39:09You mean the lady with the ring, sir?
00:39:10Who else?
00:39:11Be careful, sir.
00:39:12You know what always happens.
00:39:13When there's a very attractive lady?
00:39:15Yes, we both know what always happens, don't we, Joseph?
00:39:17Highly dangerous, sir, if I may say so.
00:39:19Most highly entertaining things are highly dangerous, Joseph.
00:39:22My motto is never mix business and pleasure, sir.
00:39:24Yeah, that's why you don't have any fun.
00:39:26Now, I insist on mixing business with pleasure on all possible occasions.
00:39:29You know, something tells me that that young woman has a great many possible occasions.
00:39:34Quite possibly, sir.
00:39:42We're not expecting visitors, are we?
00:39:44No, sir.
00:39:45You don't think...
00:39:46Now, how many times have I told you not to meet trouble halfway?
00:39:48I know, sir, but this has come all the way to meet us.
00:39:50Oh, it's probably somebody selling something.
00:39:52Go and see who it is.
00:39:53Very good, sir.
00:39:59Oh, so you're trying to trick me, eh?
00:40:02Yeah, you're the guy, all right.
00:40:04Where are them gardenias?
00:40:06I don't know what you're talking about.
00:40:07Oh, you don't, don't you?
00:40:09Get a load of this.
00:40:10You know what that is?
00:40:11Who is this gentleman, Joseph?
00:40:12You can skip the cranks.
00:40:14I really don't know, sir.
00:40:15I think the gentleman wants some gardenias.
00:40:17Gardenias, nothing.
00:40:18I'm looking for a briefcase.
00:40:21This is not a lost property office, you know.
00:40:24No, and it's not a jeweler's neither.
00:40:26Yes, that's a masterly observation.
00:40:28Listen, I see this guy pass a briefcase to a certain mug,
00:40:32so I cups up the mug but get slugsy.
00:40:35The next time I'm taking notice, the briefcase is gone,
00:40:38and I figure that this cluck knows where it is.
00:40:41And do you know where it is, cluck, Joseph?
00:40:45Search me, sir.
00:40:46You bet I'm going to search.
00:40:47I'm going to search the whole joint.
00:40:50Come along tomorrow and we'll search together.
00:40:51Tomorrow, nothing.
00:40:52I'm searching now.
00:40:54Well, I was just going out.
00:40:55Go ahead.
00:40:56I can search without you, me and gardenia here.
00:40:59All right.
00:41:00We'll search together.
00:41:04We'll start right here.
00:41:16Now, where in heck would they hide a briefcase?
00:41:20Under the bed.
00:41:25Well, you could just put that paper.
00:41:28Too obvious.
00:41:31In the icebox.
00:41:32Listen, you don't have to stick around.
00:41:34My business is with this squirt.
00:41:36Yes, but this squirt may have business with me.
00:41:38One must think of these things.
00:41:40Sure, sure.
00:41:41Think all you want to.
00:41:43That gosh darn briefcase is someplace in this joint.
00:41:47I can just smell it.
00:41:49It's all your fault that we're in this mess,
00:41:52snooping around after bits of scandal like an old woman.
00:41:55My ancestors were women.
00:41:57We could have kept in the clear.
00:41:59We could, but not Mrs. Mortimer.
00:42:01Hey, that's right.
00:42:02She'd have been in it in any case.
00:42:04Why was she there at all?
00:42:06Ah, why indeed.
00:42:14Listen, there's something I want to know.
00:42:16Really, Charles?
00:42:17What is it?
00:42:18Who's Adrian?
00:42:20Oh, Adrian.
00:42:21Now, you're not going to try and deny there is an Adrian.
00:42:24Deny it?
00:42:25Well, there must be thousands of them.
00:42:27Thousands of them?
00:42:28I mean the guy you telephoned to this morning.
00:42:30Have you been spying on me?
00:42:32Now, listen here.
00:42:33You pick a fine time to try and give me the runaround.
00:42:35Here we are, entertaining the president
00:42:37and the most important foreign visitor coming to our house,
00:42:39Baron Redburn.
00:42:40I think I'll have the blue one, thanks.
00:42:42And you pick a time like this to try playing me up.
00:42:45If you'd like a drink, help yourself.
00:42:47You can't bribe me.
00:42:51Well, maybe I will, maybe I won't.
00:42:54Hand-sucked me.
00:42:56You trying to poison me?
00:42:58Old stuff.
00:42:59What's in here?
00:43:00My bedroom.
00:43:02High tone kind of junk.
00:43:04Certainly is.
00:43:05Make yourself at home.
00:43:09You mugs are trying awful hard.
00:43:13You with the briefcase!
00:43:19Now, remember this.
00:43:20A technical assault.
00:43:26A technical assault.
00:44:24No, flying!
00:44:27Hey, you!
00:44:42What happened to Joseph?
00:44:44He's playing tag with that dumb cop I saw.
00:44:46Something gone wrong?
00:44:47I don't think Joseph can't take care of...
00:44:49Do you know the address?
00:44:50Yes, sir.
00:44:56And if you hadn't listened to gossip, you wouldn't have got mixed up in it.
00:44:59You wouldn't even have been there, would you?
00:45:01Dillfellow, come and do this tie.
00:45:02That's not the point.
00:45:03I've got to look after my interests.
00:45:05What did you have to start this for?
00:45:07I consider it my duty, sir.
00:45:09And is it Mr. Dillfellow's duty to go eavesdropping about all over the place?
00:45:12It certainly is not.
00:45:13Why don't you attend to your business?
00:45:15I'm attending to your business, sir.
00:45:16That is my business.
00:45:17Well, in future, make my business your business and stop dithering.
00:45:19I'll do it myself.
00:45:21I suppose you realize we're going to get a lot of publicity when this crook is arrested.
00:45:25Oh, are we?
00:45:26Well, won't that be good for business?
00:45:27Not this kind of publicity.
00:45:28Absolutely fatal.
00:45:29With these government concessions.
00:45:31And a new president.
00:45:32And the state jewels missing.
00:45:33And our being present at the robbery.
00:45:34And not doing anything to prevent it.
00:45:36And the police more than suspicious of one of us.
00:45:38And my wife of all people.
00:45:39The whole thing...
00:45:41Who asked you to muscle in?
00:45:42I beg your pardon.
00:45:43Go on down and talk to the guests.
00:45:45What shall I say?
00:45:46Say anything you like, but get going.
00:45:57Stop it!
00:46:11Give them when they're running around, eh?
00:46:13Well, I've got you red-handed, yes.
00:46:15That's right.
00:46:16Give me this.
00:46:17What is this, a stick-up?
00:46:18You know darn well what it is.
00:46:20It's a pinch-buddy with the goods right on you.
00:46:24What goods?
00:46:25Don't give me that.
00:46:26You've got the state rocks right here in this vanity bag.
00:46:29And I'm taking you to the cooler.
00:46:30Come on.
00:46:31Just a minute.
00:46:32Just a minute.
00:46:33Are you quite as dumb as you look?
00:46:34Certainly not.
00:46:35Well, then, supposing you check up on these rocks,
00:46:37or whatever you call them,
00:46:38before you make a complete monkey of yourself?
00:46:39Say, what are you trying to sell me, Stan Bear?
00:46:42Any fancy stuff and I'll slug you.
00:46:46Where are them rocks?
00:46:50I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:51Oh, you don't, don't you?
00:46:53Well, why did you run when I chased you?
00:46:55I thought you were an escaped lunatic.
00:46:56Oh, you did, did you?
00:46:58Yes, now I'm sure of it.
00:46:59Oh, all right, smart guy.
00:47:02On your way.
00:47:05And watch your step.
00:47:18You know, what I can't understand is
00:47:20all this happening so suddenly.
00:47:22Adrian, this crook guy at Louie's,
00:47:25certainly went for him in a big way.
00:47:27Did I?
00:47:29He wouldn't be Adrian by any chance.
00:47:31No, no, I couldn't imagine you signing up with a crook.
00:47:35You know, Terry,
00:47:36if you were really interested in someone else,
00:47:39I'd try and understand.
00:47:42Would you?
00:47:44You'll pass me up, will you?
00:47:45I'm not a conceited man, really.
00:47:47I'm just trying to do things the way Dad wanted.
00:47:50Can't expect you to feel the same way about it, of course.
00:47:53But I couldn't stand for a scandal.
00:47:55I must consider my associates.
00:47:57And your small investors?
00:48:00This is not only another language,
00:48:02it's another world.
00:48:03If anybody had told me I was marrying a commercial organization,
00:48:06I should have bought myself a set of account books
00:48:08and died an old maid.
00:48:09What's the matter with you now?
00:48:10Oh, nothing, nothing.
00:48:12Please go before we start a trade depression.
00:48:14And look at your tie.
00:48:16Never mind my tie.
00:48:30Who shall I say, sir?
00:48:31The Baron Redburn.
00:48:36The Baron Redburn.
00:48:43I'm very sorry to be so late coming down.
00:48:46Business, you know.
00:48:47The Baron Redburn, sir.
00:48:48Excuse me.
00:48:52Who did you say?
00:48:54The Baron Redburn, sir.
00:48:56Well, Mr. Mortimer, this is a very fortunate meeting,
00:48:59and one to which I've been looking forward for a long time.
00:49:02Yes, come in here.
00:49:12What the devil are you doing here?
00:49:14I beg your pardon.
00:49:15You have the effrontery to come here after what happened this afternoon.
00:49:18I don't think I understand.
00:49:20You are Mr. Mortimer, are you not?
00:49:22Oh, that's a laugh.
00:49:23And I am the Baron Redburn.
00:49:25I understood I was to meet the President here this evening.
00:49:28The Baron?
00:49:30Really, I'm not used to this sort of reception, Mr. Mortimer.
00:49:33That is, if you are Mr. Mortimer.
00:49:37Now listen, let's get this straight.
00:49:39You're trying to tell me that you're Baron Redburn
00:49:41when all the time I know you're the fellow who robbed Louie's shop this afternoon?
00:49:44Really, I'm not accustomed to being insulted, Mr. Mortimer.
00:49:47But if you tell me that your doctor's prescribed a rest
00:49:49or that you're suffering from delusions,
00:49:51I shall understand perfectly and I shall leave immediately.
00:49:53No, no, don't go.
00:49:54I mean, do stay.
00:49:55Perhaps a good night's rest will find you better.
00:49:57No, there's nothing wrong with me.
00:49:59A heavy day, perhaps?
00:50:01Well, if there's any doubt as to my identity,
00:50:03I have a copy of a letter from my solicitor
00:50:05in which he suggests that we compare the signature
00:50:07of whoever presents himself as the Baron Redburn
00:50:10with that on the letter.
00:50:11I suggest that we perform that experiment now.
00:50:40They're identical.
00:50:43I scarcely know what to say.
00:50:45Then don't say it.
00:50:47But the likeness is fantastic.
00:50:50Of course, the voice is a little lighter, I think.
00:50:54And now that I look at you closely,
00:50:56you're not nearly as heavily built as the robber.
00:50:58Oh, that's very gratifying.
00:51:00And he was anything but a gentleman.
00:51:02Ah, now you're flattering me.
00:51:04No, no.
00:51:05I suppose it's the heavy grueling by the police this afternoon.
00:51:08It's rather got my nerves on edge.
00:51:10I imagine everybody I see to look like the robber.
00:51:13Oh, please don't say another word.
00:51:15I understand your position perfectly.
00:51:17And if today has been unpleasant,
00:51:18let us hope the pleasures of this evening will make up for it.
00:51:25And now, as we have a little time to spare,
00:51:28don't you think it'd be advisable to check my identity more thoroughly?
00:51:32Somehow I think that the contents of this case
00:51:35will prove the matter beyond all doubt.
00:51:42That's very unfortunate.
00:51:44So that's it?
00:51:45Yes, I'm afraid so.
00:51:47Though how it could have happened, I...
00:51:49Well, will you telephone to the police or shall I?
00:51:53No, I will.
00:52:03No, I can't do that.
00:52:05I can't have the police here.
00:52:07Yes, I wondered how long it would take you to realize that.
00:52:09Without me, your little party to the president
00:52:11would be a great success, wouldn't it?
00:52:13No baron, no lovely little contract for Mr. Mortimer.
00:52:16I don't see that.
00:52:17Oh, yes, you do.
00:52:18If I didn't appear,
00:52:19the president would be disappointed and call the whole thing off.
00:52:22But who's the real Baron Redburn?
00:52:24I am.
00:52:25Don't give me that.
00:52:26Believe it or not, I am the only Baron Redburn.
00:52:29Everybody told me you were a big businessman.
00:52:31Why, nobody said anything about you being a...
00:52:33A crook?
00:52:34Yes, and I've been depending on you.
00:52:36Go on depending.
00:52:37I'm not fussy.
00:52:38I'd stoop to anything, even big business.
00:52:41Why, you cheap, chiseling gangster.
00:52:43Oh, Mr. Mortimer.
00:52:50Dillfellow, I'd like you to meet the Baron Redburn.
00:52:54Then the baron and the...
00:52:56Crook are one and the same.
00:52:58But the jewels?
00:52:59Under his arm.
00:53:00This is splendid, if I may say so.
00:53:01This is not so splendid, if I may say so.
00:53:04With the president arriving at any moment,
00:53:06we're in a spot.
00:53:07All right, you are.
00:53:08You need me and I need you.
00:53:10This is the last place the police will expect to find me,
00:53:13so I tell you what I'll do.
00:53:14In exchange for a hideout,
00:53:16I'll see you through with the president.
00:53:18How about it?
00:53:19Well, what can we do?
00:53:20I need to say this goes against my grain.
00:53:22Who cares about your grain?
00:53:23But no dirty work, mind.
00:53:25Mr. Mortimer, what a suggestion.
00:53:27Come on.
00:53:31Hello, Charles.
00:53:32Hello, Rosita.
00:53:33Oh, Senor, Senora Alcácer.
00:53:36Senor, Senora Milaflores.
00:53:38And Baron Redburn.
00:53:40Come along, Baron.
00:53:43Well, really, this is incredible.
00:53:46We didn't expect you again so soon.
00:53:49But this is the Baron Redburn, darling.
00:53:52Oh, the European business giant.
00:53:56I've heard my husband dictating to you
00:53:58I've heard my husband dictating so much about you.
00:54:02I suppose collecting is one of your hobbies.
00:54:05One of them.
00:54:06I have others.
00:54:07You must tell us about them.
00:54:08I will.
00:54:09You at least would understand.
00:54:11Another crack like that and the deal's off.
00:54:13Suit yourself.
00:54:14Now, Charles, you mustn't lose your sense of humor, you know.
00:54:17Oh, something tells me he's going to need it.
00:54:19Colonel and Senorita González.
00:54:22Captain Montez.
00:54:24This is indeed an unexpected pleasure, Chief.
00:54:26No doubt, but don't let it disturb you.
00:54:27No, not at all.
00:54:28I mean, we're delighted to have you here.
00:54:30Aren't we, dear?
00:54:31Why, yes, of course.
00:54:32We all feel much safer now.
00:54:35You know, Lady Margaret, may I present Baron Redburn.
00:54:39Baron, this is Colonel González, the Chief of Police.
00:54:42My daughter, Captain Montez.
00:54:45I trust you're not thinking of combining business with pleasure.
00:54:48Well, one never knows, Baron.
00:54:50I hope you're none the worse for this afternoon's experience, Senora.
00:54:53Not in the least.
00:54:55Have you found the jewel thief yet?
00:54:57No, not yet.
00:54:59But we're on his track.
00:55:01All exits in the city are being watched, so he cannot escape.
00:55:04And he may not turn out to be, as you described him, Senora, short, fat, and common.
00:55:11But Chief, now that I stop to think of it, he was a bit short.
00:55:15And fat?
00:55:16Well, fattish.
00:55:18But not exactly common.
00:55:19Oh, no, not common.
00:55:21Stealing diamonds, he couldn't be common.
00:55:23Well, not like stealing motorcars.
00:55:25Oh, of course not, dear.
00:55:27Circumstances alter things.
00:55:29And memories, if I may say so.
00:55:54His Excellency, the President.
00:55:59Senor Mortimer?
00:56:00I'm greatly honored, Your Excellency.
00:56:02May I present my wife?
00:56:04Your Excellency.
00:56:05The honor is mine.
00:56:07And your friends, Senor?
00:56:10This is Lady Margaret, Senorita Gonzales, and of course, Colonel Gonzales.
00:56:16Oh, yes.
00:56:17Baron Redbird.
00:56:19I've so much been looking forward to this meeting, Baron.
00:56:22More than I have, sir.
00:56:23I trust that Senor Mortimer was not exaggerating when he wrote saying that he decided to make you his partner?
00:56:29I have no objection, sir.
00:56:30Provided, of course, I can satisfy myself as to the financial integrity of Mr. Mortimer.
00:56:35Well, I understand your attitude, Baron.
00:56:37And this is our Mr. Dillflower.
00:56:39Did I get it?
00:56:40Our poor country suffers so much from exploitation by unscrupulous foreigners.
00:56:45Too true.
00:56:47Colonel Gonzales.
00:56:49The rumor has just reached me that this afternoon the state jewels were stolen.
00:56:53Well, as a matter of fact, Your Excellency, there is some slight doubt as to their present whereabouts.
00:56:59You realize, of course, that we're depending on the sale of these jewels for our future development scheme?
00:57:03It was on my promise to put this into operation that I was elected president.
00:57:06Well, Your Excellency, every possible measure is being taken, and we hope to effect an arrest at any moment.
00:57:13May I suggest, Your Excellency, that we adjourn to the patio?
00:57:16The drinks are in there, and I'd like you to taste one of the Mortimer specials.
00:57:28Excuse me, sir.
00:57:30You want it on the telephone?
00:57:32You see what it is, Captain.
00:57:33Immediately, my fellow.
00:57:34And so far as our new development scheme is concerned, we mean business.
00:57:38What a charming man the Baron is.
00:57:40Wherever did you find him?
00:57:41I'm afraid we didn't find him.
00:57:43He found us.
00:57:45Come here, Terry.
00:57:46I want to talk to you.
00:57:49I hope you're happy now that your boyfriend's arrived.
00:57:53Oh, yes.
00:57:54He does seem to be making himself at home, doesn't he?
00:57:57Well, he's a great little mixer, but he didn't expect to find me here tonight.
00:58:00Now he's in a mess.
00:58:02Well, I have every confidence in his ability to get out of it.
00:58:05I know you have, and that doesn't make me very happy.
00:58:08Nonsense, Charles.
00:58:09The excitement's driving me mad.
00:58:11You're becoming almost human.
00:58:12Don't be a fool, Terry.
00:58:13This is serious.
00:58:14Don't you recognize that briefcase he's carrying?
00:58:16It's full of the state jewels.
00:58:19But surely he'd never bring it here.
00:58:21He must be mad.
00:58:22No, just a bit too smart.
00:58:24Like all clever crooks, he's made a mistake.
00:58:26But supposing somebody sees them, you've introduced him.
00:58:29I know.
00:58:30That makes us accessories, and we go to jail.
00:58:32One moment, please.
00:58:34Excuse me, Amanda.
00:58:36Oh, if only we'd never gone to jail.
00:58:39Oh, if only we'd never gone to Louie's.
00:58:42It's a bit too late to talk about that.
00:58:44Well, you must get hold of it and hide it.
00:58:46Oh, that's a very good idea, but how?
00:58:49That was headquarters on the phone.
00:58:51The American detective who'll be arrested with Fernandez reports
00:58:54that the man who gave the jewels to Fernandez
00:58:56was a servant of Baron Redburn.
00:58:58Oh, this is getting interesting.
00:59:00Proceed, my dear captain.
00:59:01The Americans searched this man's briefcase,
00:59:03but found only the Baron's papers of identification.
00:59:05Yes, yes.
00:59:06Therefore, Senator Chief, it looks as though...
00:59:08As though the Baron has something to do with it.
00:59:11The description seemed to fit.
00:59:13All except Mrs. Mortimer's.
00:59:16I wonder what's in that briefcase he's carrying.
00:59:19You get back to headquarters and check up on him.
00:59:21Immediately, my lord.
00:59:29During the evening, Baron, I may ask you to be kind enough
00:59:32to comply with a slight formality.
00:59:35You think the Baron will be interested in formalities this evening, Colonel?
00:59:38That, Your Excellency, is a matter for conjecture.
00:59:40Oh, but I'm anxious to assist the police in any way possible.
00:59:43It saves so much annoyance.
00:59:44That's very generous of you, Baron,
00:59:46but you shall not be annoyed here.
00:59:49Your great ideas landed us in a nice mess.
00:59:51You tell me.
00:59:52I've just heard the chief of police talking to the captain.
00:59:54Those boys are out to do their stuff.
00:59:55There must be some way out of it.
00:59:57What do you want with the Baron?
00:59:58Merely a glance at the Baron's passport, Your Excellency.
01:00:01A mere formality, but one of our laws.
01:00:03I wouldn't dream of asking you at this moment,
01:00:05except that I see you have your papers with you.
01:00:09Then kindly choose some more appropriate moment for your ridiculous requests.
01:00:12Tonight, the Baron's time is fully occupied.
01:00:15Announce dinner at once.
01:00:17But dinner won't be ready before...
01:00:18You heard what I said. Announce dinner.
01:00:21Very good, sir.
01:00:24I'll get it somehow. Leave it to me.
01:00:26Dinner is served.
01:00:29Kindly postpone your business to a more suitable occasion.
01:00:32Oh, but it's such a simple matter as I really don't mind.
01:00:35The man's deliberately trying to quibble.
01:00:42Such a charming house you have here, Signora.
01:00:45So peaceful and calm after the bustle of government departments.
01:00:50Oh, yes, so far.
01:00:53Better get rid of the briefcase.
01:00:55I beg your pardon?
01:00:56The police know your servant's mixed up with a robbery
01:00:58and they'll search everyone before we leave the house.
01:01:00Are you certain?
01:01:01I'm certain. You better let me hide it.
01:01:04You'll get it back.
01:01:05Yes, how do I know?
01:01:07Silly, we're not old crooks.
01:01:09Let's make it a business proposition.
01:01:11I'll take ten percent.
01:01:16All right. It's a deal.
01:01:19Ten percent.
01:01:23Take your case, sir.
01:01:24Oh, thank you.
01:01:25Oh, thank you.
01:01:26Here we are.
01:01:27Oh, yes.
01:01:32Oh, thank you.
01:01:56I'm sorry I'm late.
01:01:57Yes, we wondered what had happened to you.
01:01:59I just remembered I'd forgotten something
01:02:01and I thought I'd better do it now before I forgot to do it again.
01:02:04My favorite motto, a stitch in time.
01:02:07Bye, let's do it now.
01:02:10I always say that men invent these wise sayings
01:02:13but only women live up to them.
01:02:15Noble creatures always busy upon some good deed or other.
01:02:30I don't know.
01:02:38You seem preoccupied, Senior Mortimer.
01:02:40Oh, no, not really.
01:02:42One should never think of business during dinner.
01:02:45It spoils the digestion.
01:02:47I quite agree with you.
01:02:48When anyone takes business as seriously as I do,
01:02:51especially this present business...
01:02:53Oh, I don't think we need worry.
01:02:55Don't worry.
01:02:56I feel sure that the Baron will have the situation well in hand.
01:03:00There are slips, Your Excellency, in the best laid plans of mice and men.
01:03:03No slip, Baron.
01:03:04I feel sure that you cannot rectify.
01:03:06It's very nice of you to say so.
01:03:08Do you feel that things are moving?
01:03:10Yes, I think I can say with all honesty
01:03:13that things are definitely on the move.
01:03:17Have you dropped something, my dear?
01:03:19Yes, my napkin.
01:03:20Allow me.
01:03:22Thank you very much.
01:03:26You're not eating, Senior Mortimer.
01:03:29I feel sure that you can face your dinner with an easy mind.
01:03:32Eh, Baron?
01:03:33Well, I agree with His Excellency, Mortimer.
01:03:35There are times when things elude one, then...
01:03:38Suddenly, one knows just where they are.
01:03:55Oh, my man, can you tell me where I can find Baron Redburn?
01:04:21The Baron's at dinner now.
01:04:22Oh, dearly, that's awfully annoying.
01:04:24I didn't see you come in, sir.
01:04:25Oh, not on the job, eh?
01:04:27Will you go and tell the Baron that his secretary is waiting for him in the library?
01:04:29It's imperative that he comes at once.
01:04:51Excuse me, sir.
01:04:52Your secretary's waiting for you.
01:04:56Oh, yes.
01:04:57In the library, most urgent.
01:05:00Your Excellency, Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer, would you excuse me a few moments?
01:05:04Matters urgent, I suppose we must.
01:05:07Though personally, I should dismiss the secretary who interrupted me at such a moment.
01:05:23It was a most distinguished gathering at the reception.
01:05:25Of course, I was very much younger at the time.
01:05:29Mr. Dalfiddle.
01:05:30Dilfellow, sir.
01:05:31What is it?
01:05:32I'm very sorry, sir, but a matter of most extreme urgency has cropped up, sir.
01:05:37I'll give you the details later.
01:05:41Most extraordinary behaviour.
01:05:43Most extraordinary behaviour.
01:05:51What the devil are you doing here?
01:05:53I brought your paper, sir. You took the wrong briefcase.
01:05:55You realise that, you idiot? What made you switch it?
01:05:57Well, there was nothing else I could do, sir.
01:05:59Don't you realise the police might easily have followed you here?
01:06:01The police? That sounds rather funny to me, sir.
01:06:03Now, there's nothing in here.
01:06:06Stuff's hidden in the house, and I know where.
01:06:13Come on.
01:06:15All right.
01:06:40All right, you lie low in here and I'll go and get the stuff.
01:06:42Yes, sir.
01:06:43Now, have you got everything straight?
01:06:44Absolutely, sir.
01:06:45And so, I instructed the orchestra to play La Paloma.
01:06:51But unfortunately, she didn't like La Paloma.
01:06:55Signora Mortimer, don't you like La Paloma?
01:06:59Oh, yes, of course, I adore it.
01:07:01But I'm terribly sorry, I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me just for one minute.
01:07:07The numbers seem to be diminishing.
01:07:14Oh, good heavens.
01:07:16Don't mention it.
01:07:29No, no, thanks, all the same.
01:07:30I was just...
01:07:31Don't mention it.
01:07:43Oh, dear.
01:08:14Looking for something?
01:08:16I was.
01:08:17Oh, well, let's work on the principle that no one ever sees what's under their pillow.
01:08:23If a little man comes in, this is what he's after.
01:08:27Oh, ma'am.
01:08:30And now, will you kindly go?
01:08:32Oh, no, not immediately.
01:08:33But surely you must realize that you're not alone.
01:08:36I'm not alone.
01:08:37I'm not alone.
01:08:38I'm not alone.
01:08:39I'm not alone.
01:08:40I'm not alone.
01:08:41Not immediately.
01:08:42But surely you must realize that Charles' future depends on those jewels being out of this house.
01:08:46Yes, but my future depends on being out of this house with those jewels.
01:08:49So, I've arranged for those jewels to be out of this house.
01:09:12Oh, yes.
01:09:34And so, as the waltz concluded, I took her hand.
01:09:39Just as I was about to kiss it...
01:09:40I just can't wait to hear the end of the story.
01:09:42I can't wait.
01:09:43I'll be right back.
01:09:51This is intolerable.
01:09:53These people are positively unsympathized.
01:09:55Salvatore, order my car.
01:09:57Immediately, Excellency.
01:10:02Oh, where is it?
01:10:05I'll have that.
01:10:07I don't think so.
01:10:11I wonder what it would be like to exchange your confidence for my security.
01:10:15Oh, is it confidence to like the way a woman carries her head?
01:10:18Yet you must have felt very secure behind that little pistol of yours this afternoon.
01:10:23Just how confident were you?
01:10:25Would you like to know?
01:10:27Do you know, I believe I do know.
01:10:29And do you mind?
01:10:31The devil's going on here.
01:10:33How dare you come into my wife's bedroom?
01:10:35Now, Charles, you're making a fool of yourself.
01:10:37Oh, no, I'm not.
01:10:38For the first time in my life, I'm not making a fool of myself.
01:10:40And I'll talk to you later.
01:10:41I'm afraid you'll misunderstand.
01:10:42Well, here's something I don't want you to misunderstand.
01:10:44If you don't get down those stairs in two ticks, I'll tear you limb from limb.
01:10:48At any other time, I'd be happy to oblige.
01:10:50But I think a commotion now would be fatal to our plans.
01:10:53Well, maybe you're right.
01:10:55But you'll get that other time.
01:10:58Your Excellency, you're not leaving?
01:11:00I am, and without a regret.
01:11:02But if you come back to the patio, I can explain everything.
01:11:04I'm sorry, but I have more important business elsewhere.
01:11:12What is going on?
01:11:14I don't know.
01:11:15I don't know.
01:11:16I don't know.
01:11:17I don't know.
01:11:18I don't know.
01:11:19I don't know.
01:11:20I don't know.
01:11:21I don't know.
01:11:22I don't know.
01:11:23I don't know.
01:11:24I don't know.
01:11:25I don't know.
01:11:26What is going on?
01:11:27I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me again.
01:11:29Or don't.
01:11:30Or whichever you like.
01:11:37What is this?
01:11:38It's all right, Chief.
01:11:40I got him this time.
01:11:43I'm looking through the window, and in comes this fish with the case.
01:11:47He looks inside and sees the diamonds, which he puts in the vault and then beats it.
01:11:52And this palooka tries to grab it off.
01:11:54But I'm one jump ahead of him, and here they are.
01:11:57This man tried to rob me.
01:11:59Your Excellency, I promised you an arrest, but instead of one, you will have two.
01:12:04This man and the person known as Baron Redburn.
01:12:08You're leaving med.
01:12:09No, he's perfectly right.
01:12:11This is just in case of accidents.
01:12:13You're not going to try and fool us a second time with that little scent spray.
01:12:19There's a time for work and a time for play.
01:12:21This time it's business.
01:12:23Joseph, lock that door.
01:12:24Yes, sir.
01:12:25Hand me that briefcase, Mr...
01:12:28Ah, thank you.
01:12:29Your car, Your Excellency.
01:12:32His Excellency's car is waiting.
01:12:33Yes, sir.
01:12:34Joseph, persuade the chauffeur to give you his job.
01:12:36Very good, sir.
01:12:37This is your idea of a joke?
01:12:38It is.
01:12:39It's also my idea of making a living.
01:12:41Mrs. Mortimer, will you step outside?
01:12:42Not again.
01:12:43Yes, again, will you?
01:12:44I will not.
01:12:45I think you will.
01:12:46But, Charles!
01:12:47This house stood for plenty.
01:12:48And you'll stand for plenty more.
01:12:49Goodbye, everybody, and thank you for your cooperation.
01:12:54Now, get over to the door and keep smiling.
01:13:02Do you mind stepping out, Sonny?
01:13:07Now, walk.
01:13:08I want that coat.
01:13:23After you.
01:13:28Pretty good, Joseph.
01:13:29Thank you, sir.
01:13:30Carry on.
01:13:43Listen, if this is your idea of a joke, it's going a bit too far.
01:13:46Will you let me out of here at once?
01:13:48Wouldn't it be wiser to wait until we stop?
01:13:50Blackock had the insolence to take my car.
01:13:52He won't get very far in that.
01:13:53I'll arrest him personally.
01:14:06Where are you taking me to?
01:14:09Do you think you can get away with this?
01:14:10Well, I seem to be.
01:14:12Step on it, Joseph.
01:14:20Steady, sir, steady.
01:14:22Such haste is not consistent with our policy.
01:14:24This is once when our policy gets kicked right in the pants.
01:14:27And as for you, my friend, I'm through taking your advice.
01:14:29But I'm through being treated as an errand boy.
01:14:31No, you're not.
01:14:32You're just through.
01:14:33In that case, I resign.
01:14:36Step on it.
01:14:38Step on it.
01:14:39I am stepping on it.
01:14:44I'm sorry.
01:14:45I'm sorry.
01:14:46I'm sorry.
01:14:47I'm sorry.
01:14:49Well, this should be giving you a great deal of amusement.
01:14:51I suppose it should, but it doesn't.
01:14:53Oh, not exciting enough.
01:14:54Faster, Joseph.
01:15:01That's better.
01:15:03You see, even the corners are throwing us together.
01:15:05It must be an omen.
01:15:10My both feet.
01:15:11Madam, this car may not be fast, but at least it can be dependent upon.
01:15:14Dependent upon.
01:15:17I'm going to blow up.
01:15:19That is a mere matter of adjustment.
01:15:24I need scarcely point out that failure to recover the druids puts an end to our plans for the future.
01:15:28Sure, that's fine.
01:15:29It'll give me more time to think about my future plans.
01:15:32You can make watches go like that.
01:15:33Like what?
01:15:34Shake them and they go.
01:15:35They're out of gas.
01:15:36Would you kindly not interfere, please?
01:15:38Well, I still think you should try shaking them.
01:15:40I'll get some gas.
01:15:41Women know nothing about motor cars.
01:15:42Find a point of engineering completely lost on them.
01:15:44A job like this requires finesse.
01:15:47And understanding.
01:15:48Or gas.
01:15:49Or gas.
01:15:54There they are.
01:15:55Step on it, Mr. Baltimore.
01:16:00Never mind the bugs, Joseph.
01:16:01Carry on.
01:16:02The car's all right.
01:16:03Built like a battleship.
01:16:04But am I supposed to be built like a battleship, too?
01:16:12Just a little more gas.
01:16:24Look out, Father.
01:16:25There's a train coming.
01:16:29Look out!
01:16:31Look out, Joseph.
01:16:39Somebody get that train out of the way.
01:16:42Hurry up.
01:16:43Nice work, Joseph.
01:16:45Nice work?
01:16:46What about my nose?
01:16:47I'll break.
01:16:48It's nothing a little brandy won't take care of.
01:16:50That's the first sensible thing you've said yet.
01:16:53Well, we'll be over the border any moment.
01:16:55Joseph, stop at Amigos.
01:17:01A psychological moment, if everything's in order.
01:17:03I'll turn to the headland.
01:17:06Why don't you try shaking it like this?
01:17:24The President!
01:17:25The President!
01:17:36Well, I must say I didn't realize it was going to be as simple as that.
01:17:39It won't be so simple when Charles catches up with us.
01:17:42Oh, yes, I'd forgotten about Charles.
01:17:45I wonder if he ever will catch up with us.
01:17:48I hope he does.
01:18:02Well, now we're off.
01:18:10You don't care what happens to your business?
01:18:12Listen, I only care what happens to my wife.
01:18:14You think I'm crazy?
01:18:16That's right, I am about her.
01:18:21Well, here we are. This is Amiga's.
01:18:27Put the car outside and stand by.
01:18:29Yes, sir.
01:18:30What sort of a place is this?
01:18:32Oh, I assure you, it's quite respectable.
01:18:34This way.
01:18:40Ah, good evening, Baron.
01:18:42Good evening, Amiga.
01:18:43Good success, I see.
01:18:44Oh, not bad.
01:18:45Two brandies, Amiga.
01:18:47Serve them in there.
01:18:53Well, I'm hoping the brandies will put you in a better frame of mind to listen to my proposition.
01:18:58You've brought me all this way just to listen to a proposition?
01:19:02This is your jumping-off place.
01:19:04You either jump off from here with me,
01:19:06or else go back.
01:19:08With you? Willingly?
01:19:10Well, it couldn't be any other way.
01:19:12You see, I haven't had a chance to find out what you really want out of life.
01:19:17I know you're unhappy, like a woman with two minds who's only going one way.
01:19:22I wish it could be my way.
01:19:23It would make me very happy.
01:19:25Whatever makes you think I could fit into your kind of life?
01:19:28Oh, I'd change all that.
01:19:30We'd go places.
01:19:31Sunny days, nights under the stars.
01:19:33Drinking life like champagne, laughing at it.
01:19:39Must have been quite obvious the man was a criminal.
01:19:41Why did you introduce him as the Baron?
01:19:43You can't always be sure of people.
01:19:45Nonsense, Mortimer.
01:19:46Do you suppose anyone would have any doubt about my being the President?
01:20:03You will identify yourself, senor?
01:20:04Stand aside. This is the President.
01:20:06Ah, you must think again. The President has already crossed the frontier.
01:20:09Stupid idiot. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
01:20:11Look at me, ma'am. Look at me.
01:20:13Senor, you may be drunk, but you are still not the President.
01:20:18I'll have him shot!
01:20:20You know I should be furious with you,
01:20:22but I must admit you have a charming way of making the most outrageous proposals.
01:20:26Why outrageous?
01:20:28Simply because our paths happen to cross one amusing evening.
01:20:31It doesn't mean we're meant to spend the rest of our lives together.
01:20:34But you did encourage me.
01:20:38Perhaps I did.
01:20:42I wanted to make Charles jealous.
01:20:44It's just a woman's silly way of making a man know she loves him.
01:20:49If you don't understand, I'm sorry.
01:20:51Yes, I understand.
01:20:52I didn't think you'd take a mild flirtation so seriously.
01:20:57So you really love him?
01:20:59Yes, I really love him.
01:21:03That leaves no alternative but to retire gracefully from the scene of the crime.
01:21:07And as I never retire gracefully from the scene of any crime without leaving a souvenir.
01:21:18Oh, I'll tell Amigo to stop the others as they go by.
01:21:21I nearly forgot something.
01:21:31Only second rate.
01:21:38Listen, I'm Senior Mortimer.
01:21:39Oh, yes, I am George Washington.
01:21:42Look here, my man.
01:21:43My name is Dillfellow.
01:21:45Ah, Senior Dillfellow.
01:21:47I remember, the big business man.
01:21:51Your shuffle may proceed.
01:21:53Well, I'll be...
01:22:00It's a lovely night for a drive, sir.
01:22:02You're disgustingly cheerful, Joseph.
01:22:03Yes, I am.
01:22:04I'm feeling very happy.
01:22:06I'm working for a gent who never makes mistakes.
01:22:09You know, when I saw you coming out of Amigo's alone, I could have jumped for joy, sir.
01:22:12That was really good sense.
01:22:14No, no, that was Mrs. Mortimer's good sense.
01:22:18Well, you ought to be able to settle down for life on your share of this.
01:22:21You thinking of retiring, sir?
01:22:23Not if I can help it.
01:22:31Joseph, look.
01:22:42Do you mean that we've been robbed?
01:22:43Yes, Joseph.
01:22:47You've got the Peterbilt diamond, of course.
01:22:48At least that's worth a packet.
01:22:50No, Joseph.
01:22:51Do you mean to...
01:22:52Do you mean to say that you've given it back?
01:22:54Yes, Joseph.
01:22:56Well, I'm sorry, sir.
01:22:57I'm quitting.
01:22:58Haven't I always warned you about that sort of thing?
01:23:00Never mind, Joseph.
01:23:01You'll get over it.
01:23:04Anyhow, we've done Mortimer a bit of good.
01:23:07Stop, my senor.
01:23:08One moment.
01:23:09One moment.
01:23:10What is this?
01:23:11Another holdup?
01:23:12Inside, there is a senora.
01:23:13She waits for senor Mortimer.
01:23:15She is alone.
01:23:16That's Terry.
01:23:19You can't do this.
01:23:20What about the brother?
01:23:21Oh, never mind.
01:23:22Chase him yourself.
01:23:23This is important.
01:23:24No, no, no.
01:23:25Hi, you.
01:23:30I was worried about you.
01:23:32Were you?
01:23:34Are you all right?
01:23:35Why, yes.
01:23:37Oh, so he gave it back.
01:23:40It's funny.
01:23:41I didn't figure he was that kind of a guy.
01:23:43He's given you back, too.
01:23:46He couldn't do that.
01:23:48Because I was never stolen.
01:23:50But I don't understand it.
01:23:51It just doesn't make sense.
01:23:53You know, we lose what we neglect.
01:23:55Well, after you'd gone, I realized it.
01:23:58I guess I needed this.
01:24:01I think we both needed it.
01:24:03It was because you would carry on.
01:24:05Where Dad left off?
01:24:07Oh, it's all gonna be different now.
01:24:08I'll tell you what we'll do.
01:24:09We'll go on a vacation, a real vacation.
01:24:11No telephones, no secretaries, and no bridge.
01:24:16Oh, Charles.
01:24:19Look at you die.
01:24:21I'm sorry.
01:24:22I'm sorry.
01:24:23Look at you die.
01:24:26Look at it.
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