Corrupted, traitorous Lindsey Graham's disgustingly self-serving agenda and playbook

  • 8 years ago
Corrupted, traitorous Lindsey Graham's disgustingly self-serving agenda and playbook. Corrupted, traitorous Lindsey Graham was a member of the self-serving Gang-of-Eight that supported the disastrous Hillary Clinton's Arab Spring in Libya (Benghazi, anyone?) and Egypt, all well compensated with plenty of petrodollars. The gang then supported Amnesty for illegal immigrants to buy their votes. After bailing out of the Presidential race due to low ratings, he attacked Ted Cruz mercilessly and supported fellow RINO's Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, who took turns falling off the cliff one after another. Now it seems he'd rather have Cruz than Trump to protect his interests that won him ill gotten gains over the last decade. How can South Carolina possibly benefit from this traitorous, self-serving SOB?! Please vote him out ASAP!
