A última palavra é a penúltima (The last word is the penultimate), a site-specific urban intervention project co-directed by Teatro da Vertigem, Zikzira Physical ...
Interviews with choreographer Fernanda Lippi, Artistic Director Andre Semenza, as well as cast and crew after tour in Brazil and Europe (2004/5, in Portuguese).
A Última Palavra é a Penúltima Co-direçao: Teatro da Vertigem, Zikzira Physical Theatre (Brazil/UK), Lot (Peru) A project by Teatro da Vertigem (São ...
TV programme by state broadcaster Rede TV MInas, with images from rehearsals and an interview with one of Teatro Akropolis's directors, Clemente Tafuri, ...
Em breve nos cinemas Brazilian teaser for Brazilian release.
UK Screenings:
Interviews with choreographer Fernanda Lippi and Artistic Director Andre Semenza as well as cast and crew. Verissimilitude (2004/2005) is an ensemble piece ...
Making of shots from the shoot of "Sea without Shore" (2015), on a frozen lake in Sweden; Director of Photography Marcus Waterloo with the steady cam, behind ...
Programa para TV sobre o longa-metragem 'As Cinzas de Deus ', inspirado no poema Metamorfoses de Ovídio. TV programme about the feature film 'As Cinzas ...
Directed by Andre Semenza and Fernanda Lippi, founders of critically acclaimed Anglo-Brazilian physical theatre company Zikzira, makers of 'Ashes of God'.
ONDE O MAR DESCANSA (Sea without Shore) Teaser
ONDE O MAR DESCANSA (Sea without Shore) Teaser
Interviews with choreographer Fernanda Lippi, Artistic Director Andre Semenza, as well as cast and crew after tour in Brazil and Europe (2004/5, in Portuguese).
A Última Palavra é a Penúltima Co-direçao: Teatro da Vertigem, Zikzira Physical Theatre (Brazil/UK), Lot (Peru) A project by Teatro da Vertigem (São ...
TV programme by state broadcaster Rede TV MInas, with images from rehearsals and an interview with one of Teatro Akropolis's directors, Clemente Tafuri, ...
Em breve nos cinemas Brazilian teaser for Brazilian release.
UK Screenings:
Interviews with choreographer Fernanda Lippi and Artistic Director Andre Semenza as well as cast and crew. Verissimilitude (2004/2005) is an ensemble piece ...
Making of shots from the shoot of "Sea without Shore" (2015), on a frozen lake in Sweden; Director of Photography Marcus Waterloo with the steady cam, behind ...
Programa para TV sobre o longa-metragem 'As Cinzas de Deus ', inspirado no poema Metamorfoses de Ovídio. TV programme about the feature film 'As Cinzas ...
Directed by Andre Semenza and Fernanda Lippi, founders of critically acclaimed Anglo-Brazilian physical theatre company Zikzira, makers of 'Ashes of God'.
ONDE O MAR DESCANSA (Sea without Shore) Teaser
ONDE O MAR DESCANSA (Sea without Shore) Teaser
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