Elmos so excited because he gets to play with all the baby animals at the San Diego Zoo today! Baby animals need a lot of help from their mommies and .\r
Elmo is at the San Diego Zoo learning about how all the different zoo animals spend their day. First, the animals get up from where they sleep and have some .\r
Elmo is visiting the San Diego Zoo to learn all about animals, including what they eat. Do you know what animals eat? There are many different types of food that .\r
Today at the San Diego Zoo Elmo is learning about one of his favorite things--love. Animals can show love by taking care of each other. Like when moms and .
Elmo is at the San Diego Zoo learning about how all the different zoo animals spend their day. First, the animals get up from where they sleep and have some .\r
Elmo is visiting the San Diego Zoo to learn all about animals, including what they eat. Do you know what animals eat? There are many different types of food that .\r
Today at the San Diego Zoo Elmo is learning about one of his favorite things--love. Animals can show love by taking care of each other. Like when moms and .
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