• il y a 9 ans
Glory 122 min | War | 1989 IMDB Score: 7,9/10 Winner of three Oscars, Glory tells the story of the Union Army’s first African-American combat unit during the Civil War. The 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry was composed of black soldiers emancipated by the North and escaped slaves, and was notably led by Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick), the son of white abolitionists from Boston. The unit is confronted with the blind racism of its Southern adversaries, but also that of the Northern whites who refuse to supply the black soldiers with weapons and cast a doubt on their ability to fight. However, during the bloody battle of Fort Wagner in Charleston in South Carolina, the members of the 54th Regiment are distinguished by their courage during an almost suicidal offensive. Their heroic efforts grant the Union Army access to 180,000 blacks who will risk their lives to gain freedom and citizenship, as well as influence the outcome of the war.

#war #history #glory

