• 9 years ago
My Brother's Keeper (1948)
1h 36min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 16 August 1949 (USA)

War hero turned villain George Martin escapes from prison, but he is handcuffed to a naive young crook Willie Stannard. After using a clever plan to obtain railway tickets, and with the police, and the press in hot pursuit, George has to find a way of breaking loose from Willie, and to make his escape.

Director: Alfred Roome

Writers: Frank Harvey (screenplay) (as Frank Harvey Jr.), Maurice Wiltshire (story)

Stars: Jack Warner, Jane Hylton, David Tomlinson
00:00I'm Waring, do you want me?
00:01Oh, Mr. Waring, I didn't think you'd come yet.
00:03Oh, we've just arrived, you know.
00:04There's a London call for you.
00:05What, already?
00:07You were saying, Major?
00:08I want to ask you if you'd be kind enough to watch out for a parcel from town.
00:12That's a new tackle coming.
00:14I might have guessed.
00:15Now look, before you start, I'm on a holiday.
00:18Of course, old boy, of course.
00:20I wouldn't dream of disturbing you, only...
00:23well, the oddest things happen.
00:26I... I hardly know how to tell you, really.
00:29A first-class store is broken out right under your feet.
00:33I want you to do this for me, Ronnie.
00:35Have a heart.
00:37This is my honeymoon.
00:38I know, dear boy.
00:40I wouldn't do this to you for anything, but...
00:43well, it'll take me four or five hours to get a man down there, and...
00:47well, it'll only take you five minutes, seeing you're on the spot.
00:51You'll do it for me, won't you, Ronnie?
00:52Eh? For me?
00:55Now grab a pencil or a piece of paper and I'll give you the dope.
00:58Got him.
00:59I'll teach him to go gallivanting off when I'm sure to starve.
01:02Have a heart.
01:03If I had a heart, I wouldn't keep this job down five minutes.
01:08Good man. All set?
01:10Right, get this.
01:11George Martin,
01:13William Percival Stanard.
01:14And then I'm dashed if he didn't get away in the end.
01:16Cast broke.
01:17Oh, what a shame.
01:18Yes, I got it.
01:18Yeah, but I'll have him yet.
01:19Oh, I wonder if I could have a few sandwiches left out for me tonight.
01:23I won't be back until after eleven.
01:25Anything but spam.
01:26Yes, that'll be all right, Major.
01:28And a large whiskey if possible.
01:31Very good, Major.
01:32All right.
01:34Yes, I've got it.
01:41Thank you so much.
01:42Oh, right.
01:48Look, darling, I'm terribly sorry.
01:49What's happened?
01:50It's the paper, Meg.
01:52I've got to do a story.
01:53But darling, we're on our honeymoon.
01:55Yes, I know, darling, but there's a big fat news editor in London called Wainwright
01:58who just doesn't see it that way.
02:00Why pick on you?
02:01Has he got a grudge?
02:02Wainwright's got a grudge against everybody, including himself.
02:05No, it's not that.
02:06It's just that I happen to be here on the spot.
02:07That's all.
02:08What is the story?
02:09Or shouldn't I ask?
02:10Two characters jumped a police car this morning handcuffed together.
02:13Oh, well, I expect they'll catch them.
02:14Then you can get your story sent off and forget all about it.
02:17No, I doubt it.
02:18One of them's an old hand.
02:20George Martin.
02:20He's a clever devil, educated and well-spoken.
02:25I wonder who's the chief constable of the county.
02:27That's something I've always wanted to know.
02:32Darling, come help me ask the officer.
02:37Excuse me, could you please tell me the name of the chief constable of the county?
02:41Yes, it's Colonel Heatherley.
02:42He lives up at the Grange, Milton Wells.
02:44Thank you so much.
02:49Well, when do we go?
02:51Go where?
02:51To see Colonel Heatherley.
02:53We don't.
02:54I've got to start at the bottom.
02:55Where's that?
02:56Milton Wells Police Station.
02:57Yes, but I...
02:58It's as well to know the chief's name.
02:59It always impresses the sergeants.
