• 9 years ago
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple H versus Roman Reigns

Triple H is out first with an elaborate entrance.  Stephanie sits above the stage, dressed like a warrior princess.  She tells people to rise and show your respect.  We exist to serve them.  They are the absolute power.  They own us.Stephanie is killing this intro.HHH enters in merely his ring gear with the title, being accompanied by Stephanie and a goon squad of skull headed soldiers, each with their own replica belt.This is the Champion's 20th Mania appearance but his wife was the star of his entrance.Roman Reigns enters to a loud chorus of boos.  He cocks his fist and pounds the stage, sending off a lot of fireworks.The boos are so loud.Stephanie will be ringside for this match.HHH takes control with a headlock take down.  Reigns knocks HHH down. HHH throws Reigns over the top rope to the outside.Roman sucks chant.Reigns gets back into the ring and HHH takes control again, going after the arm.Reigns takes HHH down and does a crotch crop at him.Lots of back and forth until HHH takes Reigns down with blows to the back of the neck.   Reigns fights back and takes HHH down with a clothesline.DRIVE-BY!Stephanie goes on the apron and HHH hits a low blow on Reigns.  Two inverted atomic drops and a near fall.Roman sucks chants set to the New Day chant.HHH goes after the nose now.  Reigns fights out of it but HHH hits a spinebuster for a near fall.  HHH gets up and immediately goes back to the nose.HHH sends Reigns outside and smashed his face on the announce table.  Reigns reverses and does the same to HHH.  HHH blocks Reigns and sends him over the announce table.Swinging neckbreaker on the floor to Reigns.  The referee begins to count Reigns out.  HHH meets him at the ropes with a high knee.  With Reigns hanging over the ropes, HHH goes to the top rope and delivers a knee to the back of Reign's head.  After a near fall, he goes for it again but misses.Samoan drop gets a two count.  Reigns goes for a Superman punch but HHH rolls out of the ring.  So reigns takes him out with a flying clothesline on the outside.  HHH goes into the steps then Roman does.  HHH sends Reigns over the announce table again.SPEAR THROUGH THE BARRICADE BY REIGNS!Reigns gets HHH back into the ring in time to beat the count.Superman Punch countered into an armbar.  Reigns reaches the ropes but HHH pulls him back.  He pulls Reigns arm really far back.  Reigns fights to his feet but HHH keeps it locked in.  Roman picks HHH up into a sit-out powerbomb and gains a near fallHHH goes to the arm bar again.  Reigns does a second sit out powerbomb to break the hold.Reigns goes for the Pedigree.  HHH kicks him and goes for the Pedigree.  Roman throws HHH outside the ring.Spear.  Stephanie pulls the referee out of the ring.  The referee gets back in and counts but HHH kicks out.Stephanie gets into the ring.  There is a lot of confusion.SPEAR TO STEPHANIE!PEDIGREE TO REIGNS.  KICKOUT!SUPERMAN PUNCH!High knee stops the Spear from Reigns.  Reigns kicks out.Stephanie gives HHH the sledgehammer.  Two Superman Punches.  HHH misses with the hammer.SPEAR!  1-2-3-!  REIGNS WINS!  REIGNS WINSAfter the match, the new champion celebrates as pyro goes off outside the stadium.  Also boos.  Lots of boos.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Roman Reigns



