• 8 years ago

Women's Championship Triple Threat Match: Sasha Banks versus Becky Lynch versus Charlotte

This is a historical night.  The Diva's Division is pretty much dead now, isn't it?Becky Lynch is out first in a nice outfit and gets full steam for her entrance.Lita is in the ring with the new women's Championship.Sasha Banks gets two performers for her entrance, the lady who does the song and Snoop Dogg.  Sasha Banks comes out to a huge ovation and Snoop escorts her to the ring.  And, yes, Sasha does have on Eddie Guerrero inspired gear.Charlotte enters wearing a robe crafted from pieces of Ric Flair's last WrestleMania robe.  She also has the now defunct Diva's championship around her waist.  196 Days as champion coming into this match.Lillian introducing the WOMEN'S championship match gets its own pop.  Also, JBL totally just said women's division.Sasha and Becky go after Charlotte first before squaring off with each other.  Charlotte breaks up a pin from Becky with a pin of her own so Sasha break it up.  Sasha pins Becky, ,who bridges out but Charlotte takes her out with a big boot.Sasha and Charlotte square off with Sasha getting the advantage.  The ladies fight in the corner then Becky reenters the match and Charlotte gets taken out.Becky goes after Sasha arm, setting up for her finish.  Sasha powers out but Charlotte takes her out on the outside of the ring.Becky and Charlotte go at it and Becky gets a near fall.  Becky goes to the ropes but Charlotte hits a Rude Awakening from the second rope for a near fall.  Charlotte goes to work on Lynch, going after her leg.  She goes for the Figure 4 but Becky blocked it.Sasha comes back in and gets Charlotte into the corner .  She sets up from double knees but Becky sends her outside of the ring.  Becky goes after Charlotte, going for the submission.Ric Flair gets on the apron but is shooed away by the ref.  Becky has the champ in an armbar.  Sasha gets back in and break up the submission.  Becky throws her out of the ring.  Charlotee takes over on Becky and goes for the Figure 4 but cannot bridge up.FROGSPLASH ON CHARLOTTE BY BANKS!Alas, only a near fall.  Becky rolls out while Sasha takes over the match.  Becky comes back in and suplexes Sasha out of the ring.  Charlotte hits a neckbreaker but Becky gets a nearfall from a pumphandle suplex.  Sasha breaks up the pin.Sasha and Becky are alone in the ring, fighting.  Becky goes for the arm.  Lots of reversals.SUICIDE DIVE THRU THE ROPES FROM BANKS ONTO CHARLOTTE!BECKY TAKES OUT RIC FLAIR!  THANK YOU, BECKY!  THANK YOU, BECKY!MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE BY CHARLOTTE ONTO LYNCH AND BANKS!  OH MY GOD!THIS IS AWESOME!Charlotte rolls both into the ring.  Double Natural Selection.  Charlotte cannot get a pin on either Sasha or Becky.  She shows signs of frustration.Charlotte goes for a powerbomb on Sasha.  It gets reversed into an Electric Chair.  Becky hits a dropkick on Charlotte.  Near fall on Charlotte.Becky gets Charlotte in the Disarmer.  Charlotte goes for the ropes.  Sasha comes in and hits the Bank Statement on Becky Lynch.  Charlotte goes for the Figure $ on Sasha.  The Boss reverses it.  Charlotte rolls through and goes to the Figure 8.  Becky pulls Sasha out of the ring.All three women trade blows until Becky and Sasha beat Charlotte down then fight each other.Spear to Sasha.  Becky attacks Charlotte and takes her to the top rope.  Sasha joins them.  Sasha pushes Becky away and goes after Charlotte.  Becky comes back in.  Sasha is caught in the tree of woe.  Charlotte gets taken out by a suplex from the top rope.Bank Statement to Becky.  Charlotte throws Sasha out of the ring and puts the Figure 8 on Becky.  Ric holds Sasha back from getting into the ring.BECKY TAPS!  BECKY TAPS!After the match, Charlotte gets pyro with her celebration.  A lot of it.

Winner and new Women's Champion: Charlotte


