• 9 years ago
Edit: I've stopped putting in dates on when this video has reached the next thousand mark. It's just too popular. Thank you fans!) This is my first ever fan-video for ...

loving annabelle _ending - simone cry.

I guess i have a thing for secret loves. Anyway enjoy this one!! I own none of the clips. Constructive criticism are most welcome. Music is Almost Lover by A Fine ...

Annabelle & Simone FanVideo - Dedicated to Janet! Music: Halo by Beyonce.

Simone & Annabelle Annabelle Tillman, the daughter of a senator, is sent to a Catholic boarding school after being expelled from two of her previous schools.

Erin Kelly talks about when she first heard about the project, head-shots, finding Simone, kissing in the rain etc. (c) Kat Brooks ...

I did another Loving Annabelle video! This one is to a little mini speech by Karen Gillian while she was playing Amelia Pond in Doctor Who. I hope you like it!

Watch too Video Movie Loving Annabelle Video made for fun. Feel free to comment! Thank you for watching!

Annabelle & Simone FanVideo - Dedicated to Janet! Music: At The Beginning by Richard Marx & Donna Lewis.

Loving Annabelle.

Pelicula Loving Annabelle, Escena en la que Annabelle le declara a Simone todo su amor mediante una canción, la escena es una de mis favoritas, tienen que ...

Music video of the movie Loving annabelle Loving Annabelle is the controversial story of a Catholic Boarding School teacher, Simone Bradley (Diane Gaidry), ...

"Nicht das Bewußtsein bestimmt das Leben, sondern das Leben bestimmt das Bewußtsein." "Not the consciousness of men determines their being, but their ...

This is a movie about the love between the teacher Simone Bradly and the student Annabelle Tillman. I love the film "Loving Annabelle" about the two womman ...

Watch in HD!! For entertainment only! No Copyright infringement intended! Scenes with Annabelle and Simone from the movie Loving Annabelle. Clips belong ...


I had to change the song I had originally used which was "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles because of some BS reasons. I own nothing from this video nor do I own the ...

Fan video for the couple Annabelle and Simone form the movie Loving Annabelle. Again hope you enjoy it :) Song: Lindsay Harper- All Over Me ...

Queere Medien Datenbank - We ♥ Queer Cinema Hier sind die werbefreien Trailer! © Pro-Fun Media ...

This is the first time i use a song in French!!! i kinda have understanding in french because it's very familier to my s

Annabelle and Simone 3

Annabelle and Simone 3

