Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Tarkan Ranger Part 1
OK! You guys want more, so lets give you more. Lets kick the rust off by starting with the Tarkan Ranger on normal difficulty; can I make it to the bottom? Sword .\r
OK! You guys want more, so lets give you more. Lets kick the rust off by starting with the Tarkan Ranger on normal difficulty; can I make it to the bottom? Sword .\r
OK! You guys want more, so lets give you more. Lets kick the rust off by starting with the Tarkan Ranger on normal difficulty; can I make it to the bottom? Sword .
OK! You guys want more, so lets give you more. Lets kick the rust off by starting with the Tarkan Ranger on normal difficulty; can I make it to the bottom? Sword .\r
OK! You guys want more, so lets give you more. Lets kick the rust off by starting with the Tarkan Ranger on normal difficulty; can I make it to the bottom? Sword .