• 9 years ago
Episode Link: \r
Episode 13: Magical Mystery Cure. \r
In the special coronation episode Magical Mystery Cure, Twilight Sparkle accidentally casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks and destinies of all her friends, the resulting event is the collapse of Ponyville as everypony has different special talents. After saving the destiny of everypony in this great accomplishment, she will fulfill her destiny and emerge an alicorn princess. forever.\r
Season 3 is now all over. How did you like the last episode, or Season 3 in general? Comment!\r
Star Swirl the Beardeds Book: \r
magic-magical-mystery-cure-you-say-why-s­ay-dont-know/#.UR6qQmdev2g \r
| Transcript | Walkthrough of Video | SPOILERS! |\r
CELESTIA: It must be you and you alone. \r
CELESTIA: You have proven that you are ready. (This is what Celestia has been teaching Twilight for this whole time, this is Twilights destiny). \r
Twilight using the Elements. \r
Elements of Harmony go out of control. \r
What has Twilight done?!!\r
The biggest moment in Ponyville history! \r
When Cutie Marks switch. (Rarity gets Rainbow Dashes cutie mark. Applejack gets Raritys cutie mark. Pinkie Pie gets Applejacks cutie mark).\r
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Rarity has Rainbow Dashs Cutie Mark (Genuine line and clip from the episode, NOT edited).\r
- Sweet Apple Acres dilapidated. \r
- Harmony is lost.\r
FLUTTERSHY: You look just like a princess \r
- Twilight Princess or Princess Sparkle. (Alicorn Twilight is staying for the rest of G4).\r
- An Eclipse (If Celestia and Luna dont have their Cutie Marks, they can no longer control the sun and the moon. The area between the sun and moon is called. twilight).\r
It all leads up the episode youve been waiting for. (Storyarcs?) \r
- Pinkamena! (Look closely at the clip: Pinkie Pie has Applejacks cutie mark; perhaps this is why she is sad and perhaps why Sweet Apple Acres is destroyed).\r
- The Element of Magic smashing to pieces. (A reference to the fact that Twilight Sparkle is now seperated from her friends by becoming an Alicorn).\r
The HUBs My Little Pony Princess Coronation Next Saturday only on the HUB. \r
Since the minority dont read the description anymore, Ive added Fanmade into the Title. \r
This trailer is an edit of official promotional material: non-fake clips. With original clips I animated myself such as the Eclipse, the animation of Alicorn Twilight and the obliteration of the Element of Magic. This was a quickie made one night in about twelve hours and uploaded in the AM hours. This is possibly the most controversial episode so far in My Little Pony due to the whole Alicorn Princess Twilight storyline, I hope this trailer absolves any last worries you have. All my trailers are made for fun, not to fool anyone.\r
This will be my final trailer for season 3. \r
Ill see you all next season, for the possible end of G4: \r
My Little Pony ©Hasbro, the HUB and all related subsequent stakeholders.


