From youngster joey to the weird AF kalos ghost girl, all the trainer battle themes brought back to life via a remix!\r
Use timestamps to skip to any theme!\r
0:00 Kanto (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Remix)\r
2:00 Johto (Heart Gold/Soul Silver Remix)\r
4:00 Hoenn (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Remix)\r
6:00 Sinnoh (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Remix)\r
8:00 Unova (Black 2/White 2)\r
9:49 Kalos (X/Y Remix)\r
Thanks for watching, and subscripe.\r
Kanto - xtremethomas\r
Johto - WTFHAX93\r
Hoenn - Fl.Remix\r
Sinnoh - Pokemon Orchestrated\r
Unova - QizionStudio\r
Kalos - Recelia (video uploaded by fl.remix)
Use timestamps to skip to any theme!\r
0:00 Kanto (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Remix)\r
2:00 Johto (Heart Gold/Soul Silver Remix)\r
4:00 Hoenn (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Remix)\r
6:00 Sinnoh (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Remix)\r
8:00 Unova (Black 2/White 2)\r
9:49 Kalos (X/Y Remix)\r
Thanks for watching, and subscripe.\r
Kanto - xtremethomas\r
Johto - WTFHAX93\r
Hoenn - Fl.Remix\r
Sinnoh - Pokemon Orchestrated\r
Unova - QizionStudio\r
Kalos - Recelia (video uploaded by fl.remix)