• 9 years ago
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SQUAAAAAAAAWK! ANGRY BIRDS™ JOIN SONIC DASH™ FOR AN EPIC THREE-WEEK CELEBRATION Sonic Dash Celebrates 100 Million Downloads with Angry Birds Epic Sonic gets by with a little help from his friends for a celebration of epic proportions. SEGA®, in partnership with Rovio Entertainment Ltd., is proud to announce that today Angry Birds™ Epic will be appearing in Sonic Dash™ for a limited time on the App Store, Google Play™, Amazon Appstore and Windows Phone Store. This in-game event will include three of the most popular and best-known characters from the Angry Birds franchise: Red, Chuck and Bomb. “We were thrilled with the opportunity to work with Rovio on this integration,” said Chris Southall, CTO of Hardlight™. “The expressive, colorful, and fun characters from Angry Birds Epic lend themselves flawlessly to Sonic Dash and really enhance the overall experience.” This three-week in-game event will feature a different fan-favorite Angry Bird from Angry Birds Epic each week, including Red ‘Knight, Chuck ‘Mage, and Bomb ‘Pirate. Players will dash through the endless runner, collecting the special Angry Birds Epic tokens to unlock featured characters. Once a character is successfully unlocked, it will remain playable following the close of the event. Players will also have the option to purchase Red, Chuck, and Bomb using premium currency during the event. “Our EPIC Sonic collaboration together with SEGA is a fantastic milestone for Angry Birds,” said Wilhelm Taht, Head of External Products at Rovio. “Having two such iconic game characters and games work seamlessly together will delight millions of fans worldwide in both Sonic Dash and Angry Birds Epic.”\r
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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG characters © SEGA, SEGA, the SEGA logo and Sonic The Hedgehog are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation.© SEGA.\r
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