Man scalds co-worker with boiling hot water for stealing girlfriend's hot dog

  • 8 years ago
WHAKATU, NEW ZEALAND — A man has been sentenced to five years and seven months in prison for purposefully emptying a bucket of boiling water on the head of an unsuspecting co-worker on July 25, 2015. He committed the violent act to get revenge on his colleague for swiping his girlfriend's half-eaten hot dog a day earlier.

Video footage of the incident was taken at a packing house in New Zealand, and has recently been released by CCTV. The recorded tape shows a Malaysian worker, Kian-wee Show, walking over to the coffee machine in the staff lunchroom, where he fills up a bucket with piping-hot water, and then calmly unloads it on his colleague, Bin Wu.

After unloading the boiling water on his co-worker, Kian-wee Show gets scolded by another kitchen worker, but then casually sits back down with his other colleagues, resuming his lunch. Meanwhile, Bin Wu ran away to tend his burn wounds.

Wu says his doctors expect it will take at least two years for his skin to heal, and even then, his body will never recover to the way it once was. Kian-wee Show has been sentenced to five years and seven months behind bars for this premeditated, violent crime.


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