Introducing Rossmont Waver

  • 8 anni fa
Rossmont Waver is an AIO (All in One) product because it's a DRIVER, an INTERFACE and a REMOTE SWITCH for Rossmont equipment, accessible WIRELESSLY by any smartphone, pc or tablet. With 2 channels available, Waver is able to adjust the flowrate of all Rossmont Mover models without the need to buy a different device (e.g. "electronic pumps" or DC models) up to approximately -70% of their nominal flowrate.

The powerful built-in web software is able able to program independently the connected pumps on a 24h basis, by simply adding points on a user-friendly graph (to determine the flow at a certain time of the day) and by the use of presets (specifically designed to work with Mover) which can be inserted in the chart as custom events or to synchronize the pumps with external devices (e.g. automatic feeder).

The safe capacitive touch button on the center of the unit is able to do some quick functions for daily use even without the need to access the application, and thanks to the 3 LEDs it's possible to immediately understand what the unit is doing.

Expandable with an unlimited number of other SLAVE Rossmont wireless devices, the Waver MASTER WR-2CH has both WiFi and RF modules included, thus becoming an interface for all present and future Rossmont equipment, with a unique amazing software interface.

The WiFi can be operated through DIRECT ACCESS or INFRASTRUCTURE (with an external WiFi router/modem) and it's possible to control Waver into a LAN or even remotely from the other side of the world.

With the aim of continuous improvement and new functions development, Waver software and firmware upgrades will be freely downloadable from Rossmont website and uploadable wirelessly.

In addition to the pre-loaded multilanguage instruction manual, as standard equipment 2 super-adhesive Velcro strips help the user in product placement and thanks to the integrated extension cables the connected devices will take advantage of additional 0.5 meters of freedom in positioning.

2 Year warranty for a product 100% Designed, Assembled and Tested in Italy, with unique serial ID for full Quality tracement.
