The most cruel murderer the world has ever known, Hulagu, had been given permission by Mawlana to slaughter the Muslims in Kayseri

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: "If you gathered all the tyrants the world has ever seen in one place, they still couldn't hold a candle to Hulagu's cruelty. This savage dajjal carried out such a massive genocide on Muslims and Arabs that he earned the name 'the ruler who spares no life and leaves no building standing’. He slaughtered hundreds of thousands, millions of people without batting an eye. It is unbelievable that Mawlana would hold this butcher in high regard," says Nesrin Koklu from Konya. Look. For example Rumi people do not know where the name 'Rumi' comes from. They love Mawlana madly. It was the savage dajjal, Hulagu, who gave him the title 'Rumi' and an extraordinary amount of money. It was Hulagu, who destroyed all the Muslim sects, who slaughtered all the Muslim teachers and scholars, who razed twelve thousand mosques to the ground. He said that he would only tolerate Mawlaw'iyya and that no other sects would exist other than that. He had
