Dora as Spokes Model Carrisa

  • 8 years ago
This video is dedicated to Jeremih. I love his music. And the song you hear is by him called Qui. I was asked to put together a video for my book Charisma. Charisma is about a woman who frankly takes life by the balls after her failed marriage. She decides to create a perfume she aptly name Charisma. The fragrance Charisma named after herself of course, hits major stores and markets and becomes a instant phenomenal. She dyes her her pink which makes her stand out. She is bold she is beautiful she is fierce she is different. She is soon able to afford to buy a building. Turning it into a lucrative company baring her name. The company for more than five years also bares her image. But soon her investors feel its time for Charisma Darling Reynolds to use another Spokes Model. Enter Carissa Lennox a Aviator and a highly sought after New York City Spokes Model AND .her brother Rex woman! Charisma is in for the fight of her life trying to keep her image intact. Who will win? Of course this is only one part of this epic story. You will have to get the book to find out why. The song you hear I DO NOT OWN IT ! It belongs to the Singer Jeremih and his Management. I'm a fan and this video is definitely dedicated to him.
