Chattambinaadu is a Malayalam film released in 2009. The film was directed by Shafi and written by Benny P. Nayarambalam,and stars Mammootty, Lakshmi Rai, Siddique, Manoj K. Jayan, Vinu Mohan, and Suraj Venjarammoodu.[3] The film was made under Mammootty's production company Play House which distributed it as well
Directed by - Shafi
Produced by - Noushad, Anto Joseph
Starring - Mammootty, Lakshmi Rai, Siddique, Manoj K. Jayan, Suraj Venjarammoodu, Vinu Mohan
Directed by - Shafi
Produced by - Noushad, Anto Joseph
Starring - Mammootty, Lakshmi Rai, Siddique, Manoj K. Jayan, Suraj Venjarammoodu, Vinu Mohan
Short film