• 9 years ago
Lego Duplo Unboxing Disney Princess Cinderella and her princess friends embark on a journey to find Cinderella's missing slipper which is taken by the Joker! Thankfully, Batman saves the day. Cinderella wakes up to find that her glass slipper is missing. The Joker had hid Cinderella's slipper in the candy forest when she wasn't looking! After searching the entire town for the glass slipper, she is lead to the slipper by a small rabbit. Once Cinderella has the slipper, she puts it inside her castle to keep it safe. Cinderella went to the Cafe for sandwiches with Snow White and Ariel. While she was there the Joker decided that he wants to go inside the castle and steal the slipper again! Just then, Batman shows up and defeats the Joker with his Batarang! The Joker runs away into the candy forest and Cinderella thanks Batman for saving her slipper.

Original Music by Birthday Candy Land.

Watch more Surprise toys, eggs and Presents at Birthday Candy Land videos here:

Minecraft Surprise Toy Unboxing! Minecraft Animal Toys are unboxed in BirthdayCandyLand

Frozen Surprise Unboxing Eggs and Toys in a Surprise Present by BirthdayCandyLand

Count to Ten for Children Counting Numbers from 1 to 10 - BirthdayCandyLand on Youtube

Surprise Unboxing Disney Cars Lego Duplo Surprise Gift Unboxing by BirthdayCandyLand

Disney Princesses Surprise Toy Gift Cinderella Ariel Snow White Lego Duplo Playset

Lego Duplo Unboxing Cinderella Batman Joker and the Missing Slipper Episode BirthdayCandyLand

Surprise Gifts of Angry Birds Blind Bag Dora Surprise Egg and Plan Toys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2_cag2JDlY&index=81&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

surprise gifts of minecraft toys and super mario blind bag toys and a surprise egg unboxing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5jghULNRMM&index=2&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Surprise Gift Super Mario Bomb Blind Bag and Kinder Surprise Bumble Bee Transformer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diT14cCjA3k&index=3&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Surprise Gift LEGO Movie surprise blind bag large kinder surprise egg surprise present - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0QKCafQRNo&index=4&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Surprise Gift Super Mario Blind Bag Transformers Optimus Prime Kinder Surprise Eggs captain america - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVuIGuWaDxQ&index=5&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Play Doh Icecream Waffle Cone with Whipping Cream and Candy Topping Play Dough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kennvqveJhg&index=10&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Surprise Gifts of kinder surprise egg spiderman surprise egg super mario coin box surprise toy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LkgaB8kZxw&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94&index=13

play doh minecraft surprise eggs and toys Avengers Disney Cars Barbie Episode 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hshZZ_-KCX0&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94&index=31

Disney Cars Kinder Surprise on Surprise Eggs and Toys HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEyslZVQR60&index=77&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94

Surprise Gift of Angry Bird Space Icebird Surprise Toy in a wrapped Present - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2-YLDf8xro&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94&index=79

Kinder Surprise Eggs and Toys and Wrapped Present Unboxing - Glider and Puzzle HD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJjXMeAb48&index=76&list=PLwSHCNkaZLRDH6ES6G8TBZwIEd7KIDy94
