• 9 years ago
Occurred on April 19, 2016 / Sydney, Australia

Info From Licensor: "I was riding the M91 bus between Chester Hill and Granville in Sydney. The girl in the video boarded the bus and started abusing passengers. After seeing her verbally abuse and push an elderly man, I decided to film her in case something else happened. The man talking and the lady who gets up in the video are not known to me. I chose to post it on You Tube to shame her disgusting behaviour and attitude. Some comments heard from other patrons were controversial but unfortunately I started filming too late and the bulk of her personal verbal tirade was just appalling and I regret not filming the lead up to what was filmed. Especially, her pushing the elderly man across the aisle of the bus into a seat because she thought he was going to sit next to her. This occurred on the M91 Metro Bus between Chester Hill and Granville." - Jessica Ross


