The 5 people most likely to be Donald Trump’s vice president

  • 8 years ago
Marco Rubio: Rubio is clearly in search of a next step in his political career, and it is hard to imagine anyone turning it down. John Kasich: Kasich, who is in the middle of his second term, might find the chance at a vice-presidential nomination - even if it meant sharing a ticket with Trump -- impossible to resist. Joni Ernst: If Trump wanted to make a turning-over-a-new-leaf pick, Ernst would make a ton of sense. Rick Scott: Scott has been consistently supportive of Trump for months now, endorsing him as soon as the real estate billionaire won the Sunshine State in early March.  Chris Christie: Personality-wise, Christie and Trump seem to be an obvious match. And Trump has said before that he would want a politician as his running mate.
