Spiritual: Being Spiritual, after leaving a religion?

  • 17 years ago
There are many people who are tired of organized religion and have left their religion to become spiritual people. ...
Now people are trying to find themselves.
Unfortunately these souls who had the courage to leave their religion are now getting trapped into fake swamis, other kinds of religious teachers, fake spiritual teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and trapped into western thinkers books, like ken Wilber, wayne dyer, neale Donald walsch, Eckhart tolle, Deepak chopra and others. These souls will never find the true spiritual guidance they seek until they truly search for the real enlightened master and realized spiritual teacher.
First of all these new spiritual seekers need to realize that there are many paths, and not just one path to God. You are God. Expand your Self. And you need guidance through an enlightened master. Efforts are also need for the new journey
Through the internet try to seek an enlightened master. If you realize that your new spiritual teacher is not real, is not enlightened, keeps you a follower, or subjects you to tradition, then keep looking for the enlightened master. Don't feel guilty for leaving that teacher. You had the courage to leave the church to seek truth, leave your fake guru to seek truth.
Remember that a living enlightened teacher does not want to make a name for his/her self, he/she does not want your money, or praise. He/she doesn't live in palaces, has churches or temples.
A true enlightened master will not support those ideologies, he/she will actually break your ideologies, and will build together a positive/good ideology with you to help you begin to blossom. Then your fragrance will spread all over and to your friends.
Now because you broke away from religion, I am here to guide you through the right path for you.
