(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Decided that I would try to play some more stoner legos and throw some random glass together to make a crazy .
This is a short version of our Lego Assistant demo. The full version and more explanation is at .
Elos - Glass Legos from Kid Him on Alpha Pup Records Learn more at -uploaded in .
Originally uploaded April 29th 2011 Soundrone brings up some old sayings and plays with his glass legos. Soundrones Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee .
This is a short version of our Lego Assistant demo. The full version and more explanation is at .
Elos - Glass Legos from Kid Him on Alpha Pup Records Learn more at -uploaded in .
Originally uploaded April 29th 2011 Soundrone brings up some old sayings and plays with his glass legos. Soundrones Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee .