• il y a 9 ans
admiring, to admire, admire,
admiring the view, to admire the view, admire the view,
appreciating, to appreciate, appreciate,
arousing, to arouse, arouse,
attaching, to attach, attach,
becoming attached to, to become attached to, become attached to,
being amazed, to be amazed, be amazed,
being amazed at, to be amazed at, be amazed at,
being besotted, to be besotted, be besotted,
being fond of, to be fond of, be fond of ,
being in love, to be in love, be in love,
being romantic, to be romantic, be romantic,
believing, to believe, believe,
bewitching, to bewitch, bewitch,
billing and cooing, to bill and coo, bill and coo,
binding, to bind, bind,
bonding, to bond, bond,
bursting out laughing, to burst out laughing, burst out laughing,
captivating, to captivate, captivate,
capturing, to capture, capture,
cherishing, to cherish, cherish,
closing, to close, close,
clutching, to clutch, clutch,
coaxing, to coax, coax,
coming together, to come together, come together,
committing, to commit, commit,
confiding, to confide, confide,
confining, to confine, confine,
considering, to consider, consider,
controlling, to control, control,
courting, to court, court,
dazzling, to dazzle, dazzle,
deriding, to deride, deride,
dominating, to dominate, dominate,
enchanting, to enchant, enchant,
entertaining, to entertain, entertain,
enthralling, to enthral, enthral,
establishing, to establish, establish,
falling for, to fall for, fall for,
fascinating, to fascinate, fascinate,
finding attractive, to find attractive, find attractive,
flirting, to flirt, flirt,
fooling, to fool, fool,
frolicking, to frolic, frolic,
getting married, to get married, get married,
getting on, to get on , get on,
giving one's word, to give one's word, give one's word,
going out with, to go out with, go out with,
groping, to grope, grope,
having a date, to have a date, have a date,
heckling, to heckle, heckle,
holding tight, to hold tight, hold tight,
hoping, to hope, hope ,
hypnotising, to hypnotise, hypnotise,
idolising, to idolise, idolise,
imprisoning, to imprison, imprison,
intertwining, to intertwine, intertwine,
joining, to join, join,
joining in, to join in, join in,
joking, to joke, joke,
kidding, to kid, kid,
living as a couple, to live as a couple, live as a couple,
living together, to live together, live together,
locking, to lock, lock,
looking somebody in the eye, to look somebody in the eye, look somebody in the eye,
magnetising, to magnetise, magnetise,
making fun of, to make fun of, make fun of,
marrying, to marry, marry,
meeting up, to meet up, meet up,
merging, to merge, merge,
mesmerising, to mesmerise, mesmerise,
messing around, to mess around, mess around,
mixing, to mix, mix,
mocking , to mock, mock,
moving deeply, to move deeply, move deeply,
nabbing, to nab, nab,
obsessing, to obsess, obsess,
overcoming, to overcome, overcome,
padlocking, to padlock, padlock,
pinching, to pinch, pinch,
playing, to play, play,
preventing, to prevent, prevent,
promising, to promise, promise,
relying upon, to rely upon, rely upon,
ridiculing, to ridicule, ridicule,
seducing, to seduce, seduce,
sending to sleep, to send to sleep, send to sleep,
smooth talking, to smooth talk, smooth talk,
squeezing up, to squeeze up, squeeze up,
stirring, to stir, stir,
stroking , to stroke, stroke,
stunning, to stun, stun,
subjecting, to subject, subject,
swearing, to swear, swear,
taking somebody aback, to take somebody aback, take somebody aback,
teasing, to tease, tease,
to warbling , to torment, torment,
tormenting, to touch, touch,
touching, to trap, trap,
trapping, to trick, trick,
tricking, to trouble, trouble,
troubling, to unite, unite,
uniting , to warble, warble,
wedding, to wed, wed,
winning somebody over, to win somebody over, win somebody over,
wooing, to woo, woo, seducing, to chat up, chat up, seduce

