• 9 years ago
Trevor visits Michael at his house and reveals his plan to bust Brad Snider out of prison. Michael however is reluctant to discuss Brad this soon leads to a debate.
While initially being friendly soon get into an argument about their respective futures.
Michael intends to retire in peace, while Trevor accepts that a life of crime is all he has.
Eventually their dispute brings Trevor to the one question Michael that hoped he would never ask.
Trevor asks Michael who was buried in his grave in North Yankton. Michael claims he never "gave it much thought." Trevor, becoming ever more suspicious and finally snaps and threatens Michael claiming he is "fucking dead," and storms out of the house. Michael realises that Trevor might be thinking attempts to follow him but finds that Trevor has stolen his car.
While Trevor is en route to Sandy Shores Airfield, Michael calls him and attempts to talk him out of flying to North Yankton, but Trevor refuses and hangs up.

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