The sad story of a man born with a gigantic arm and hand

  • 8 years ago
Footage of a man in India born with a rare condition called local gigantism.

The video, filmed in Mumbai on May 17, shows the 25-year-old man, called Bablu, walking through the city and eating in a local restaurant with his large arm and hand.

According to the uploader, a local journalist, the man "has been disowned by his family as his neigbours think Bablu is 'a devil's child'."

"The stigma that comes with the rare condition has forced him to migrate to Mumbai, where he thought he would disappear in the crowd of millions and start making a living, but he met the same fate in the maximum city as people were scared of Hellboyish hands and nobody would offer him a job of any kind," he continued.

"If he is treated properly, his bulky hand that weighs 20kg can be reduced to normal size; however, [doctors] underlined that it will never be like a normal hand as the disease has reached an advanced stage."
