Kosovo. Accord de Rambouillet. 1999

  • il y a 16 ans
Kosovo. Accord de Rambouillet 1999

The Rambouillet "Accord" is entitled an "Agreement", but the term "Parties to the Agreement" means representatives of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo. All three such representatives are required to sign at the conclusion of the text of the "agreement" but there is no place for a signature by a representative of NATO or of any Western country. Thus this is not an "agreement" but a statement of surrender imposed upon Yugoslavia. Had the Serbs signed this "agreement" they would effectively have handed control over all of Yugoslavia to NATO. Is it any wonder that they didn't sign? And because they quite rightly refused to sign away the sovereignty of their country, the Western powers began to try to bomb Serbia into submission.

Rambouillet: A declaration of war disguised as a peace agreement:

Kosovo secession linked to NATO expansion:

Kosovo: The war is about the mines:

Balkans - The Name of the Game is Oil!

NATO Fraud - There Was No Genocide In Kosovo

