• 9 years ago
Balika VAdhu the very popular teleserial has now entered the LImca Book of Records with a massive 2000 episode timeline attached to it. Yes, the serial which recently grabbed headlines again for being the one attached to the telestar Pratyusha Banerjee who allegedly comiitted suicide and who was famous as Anandi of the serial, now has a record to hold.
Whoa! Isnt that oh so inspiring and encouraging for the entire team of Balika Vadhu which has now turned to showcasing the life and times of Anandi’s daughter .
Balika VAdhu shot to popularity with the child marriage as focus and how Anandi the child star rises to her own assertive self thus being a path breaking story to remember. Now with the LImca Book of Record entry things have only turned to the benefit of the stars involved. Watch this serial and see how it has grown.


