Nick Saban goes off on satellite camp issue

  • il y a 8 ans
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Watch Nick Saban's full rant about satellite camps from SEC spring meetings in Destin. Things start to get particularly heated around the 3:50 mark.

At one point smacking the podium meeting with reporters at the SEC Spring Meetings, Saban spoke his mind with extra volume. Calling it the "wild, wild west" of the recruiting world, Saban railed against the way these camps could make football more like the often-criticized AAU basketball recruiting machine.

"Why would we be promoting somebody else's camp anywhere? Because it's the same thing I said before: this is the only sport where the high school still mattered. What they did at the high school mattered. All you're doing is allowing all these other people that we spend all of our time at the NCAA saying, you can't recruit through a third party. You can't be involved with third-party people and that's exactly what you're doing ...

Then hand met podium.

" ... creating all these third parties that are going to get involved with the prospects and all that. And who gets exposed on that? I go to a camp and I'm talking to some guy I don't know from Adam's house cat and he's representing some kid because he put the camp on, and then I'm in trouble for talking to this guy? And who even knows if the guy paid to go to the camp.

"Is the NCAA going to do that? I mean, we do that at our camp. We have people responsible. They're called compliance folks. What kind of compliance people do we have at these camps?

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