Drama / Horror (1940) 89 minutes ~ Black & White
Original Title: The Door with Seven Locks
A murder is found to be connected to a false heir and a secret underground torture chamber.
Director: Norman Lee
Writers: Edgar Wallace (novel), John Argyle (treatment), Gilbert Gunn and Norman Lee
Stars: Leslie Banks, Lilli Palmer and Romilly Lunge
Original Title: The Door with Seven Locks
A murder is found to be connected to a false heir and a secret underground torture chamber.
Director: Norman Lee
Writers: Edgar Wallace (novel), John Argyle (treatment), Gilbert Gunn and Norman Lee
Stars: Leslie Banks, Lilli Palmer and Romilly Lunge
Short filmTranscript
00:03:56I'm saying goodbye, John.
00:03:59I'm going on a pretty long journey.
00:04:02It'll be some time before we meet again.
00:04:05But I want no tears, no fuss.
00:04:10Chin up and smile.
00:04:13Come on.
00:04:16Goodbye, Father.
00:04:20That's right.
00:04:26Goodbye, Silver.
00:04:29See that he makes
00:04:31a better job of his life
00:04:34than I have made of mine.
00:04:38Now we let your father sleep.
00:04:40Shall we?
00:04:41Shall we?
00:07:26Miss Lansdowne?
00:07:28A man threw this out of a window.
00:07:31What do you mean?
00:07:32I was delivering near the Norgate Nursing Home
00:07:34and he threw it out of the window with a ten bob note.
00:07:36It had your name and address on it.
00:07:38So I bought it here.
00:07:39Good day, Miss.
00:07:41Shall I grant the flowers, darling?
00:07:50Thank you, Miss.
00:07:53Oh, yes, we do have flowers.
00:07:56We do.
00:07:57No, we don't.
00:07:59We don't have flowers.
00:08:00We don't have flowers.
00:08:02We don't have flowers.
00:08:03Yes, we do.
00:08:04But we do have flowers.
00:08:05We do.
00:08:06We do.
00:08:07We do.
00:08:08We do.
00:08:09If it's from that Dago band conductor, I have nothing to do with it.
00:08:17I saw him first.
00:08:18It's a note from Silver.
00:08:19Now don't tell me, let me guess, who'd have a name like that?
00:08:26I know, the waiter, the dark one, the wearer of waiter darling, you never get any change
00:08:31out of those guys.
00:08:32Now you ought to remember Silver, he's the one that set you back $1,500 for your share
00:08:37on the trip.
00:08:38You mean that crazy guy who wrote to you in Quebec?
00:08:41Listen, dear Miss Lansdowne, on receipt of this message, come immediately to the above
00:08:46address and demand to see me.
00:08:49They will not dare to refuse you if you say who you are.
00:08:53I must tell you the secret of the door with seven locks before I die, and I have little
00:08:59time to spare.
00:09:02Come without delay.
00:09:03Yours, Louis Silver.
00:09:05Pierce, put the key in a safe place, and on no account bring it with you.
00:09:11Do you think we ought to go to the police?
00:09:14I don't want to be mixed up with the police.
00:09:16My father's mayor of Backwood County.
00:09:18There seems to be something very unusual about this key.
00:09:22There's nothing unusual about a guy sending you his last key.
00:09:25Did he say he wants you to come up and see his etching?
00:09:27Give me that towel, will you please?
00:09:30Now here's a man in fear of his life, and you make jokes about him.
00:09:36They will not dare to refuse you.
00:09:38Who can they be?
00:09:40Say, what is this?
00:09:41Puzzle corner?
00:09:42Well, I'm going to find out for myself.
00:09:45Not without your Aunt Glenda.
00:09:46Listen, I'm an old etching viewer myself, and I know all the tricks.
00:09:50He'll be wearing George Rath pajamas, and the etchings will be in the bedroom.
00:10:01The lamps don't go out.
00:10:03Now we may learn where the key is.
00:10:04Supposing Silver talks too much.
00:10:06I'll be listening in with Craig.
00:10:08What, that killer?
00:10:09You're crazy.
00:10:10Do you want to...
00:10:13I've had a terrible experience.
00:10:16My health has broken down.
00:10:19I'm losing my strength.
00:10:22I can't do anything.
00:10:23I don't know where the key is, and I'm losing my mind.
00:10:26There's a river that's coming.
00:10:28Leave it.
00:10:29Oh, I can't do it.
00:10:32Come on, come on.
00:10:35Oh, I can't.
00:10:36I can't hold on.
00:10:38I can't.
00:10:39I'm losing my strength.
00:10:41Oh, I'm so glad you were able to come before it's too late.
00:10:45I feel if I can only tell you the truth, I don't care what happens.
00:10:50Of whom are you afraid?
00:10:52I'll tell you everything presently.
00:10:55They won't interfere while you're here.
00:10:58What have you done with the key I sent you?
00:11:00Someone is looking after it for me.
00:11:02I hope it's someone you can trust.
00:11:05That key is worth a fortune to certain people.
00:11:08I kept it in that old Bible there.
00:11:15For ten years, Miss Lansdowne, something has haunted me.
00:11:20Tortured my conscience.
00:11:23I was forced into a terrible crime.
00:11:27Something concerning the door with the seven locks.
00:11:31The door with seven locks?
00:11:33Discard the key I sent you.
00:11:37I'll try to get it from you.
00:11:40That door conceals the crime.
00:11:42But where are the other keys?
00:11:44They're with...
00:12:06Mrs. Silver.
00:12:08Mrs. Silver.
00:12:10Mrs. Silver!
00:12:14Mrs. Silver.
00:12:17Oh, my God.
00:12:25Oh, please.
00:12:27I'm the matron. What is it you want?
00:12:29He's dead, Silver. In there.
00:12:31He's been shot.
00:12:32Mrs. Silver, I don't understand.
00:12:35May I ask how you got in here?
00:12:37In room number's been killed.
00:12:44This room, you say?
00:12:48You're quite sure?
00:12:52The picture, quite sure. And the books.
00:12:57You must have a remarkable imagination, Miss...
00:13:00But I saw you.
00:13:02Do you realize what extraordinary things you're saying?
00:13:05Who are you?
00:13:06But it's the truth.
00:13:07He was lying dead in that bed.
00:13:10Who was lying dead?
00:13:11Mr. Silver. The man I came to see.
00:13:14You must be dreaming.
00:13:15Oh, no.
00:13:16You see, I got a letter from him this morning.
00:13:19Oh. Have you got it with you?
00:13:28This seems genuine enough.
00:13:30That only adds to the mystery.
00:13:32You see, there are no patients here.
00:13:35Unfortunately, this nursing home's been a failure.
00:13:37I'm closing it down today.
00:13:39There's no one here but myself.
00:13:42Well, this is preposterous.
00:13:44I quite agree.
00:13:46Look, a man showed me into this room.
00:13:50I'm beginning to think you must be a mental case.
00:13:53I think in your own interests, you ought to see a doctor.
00:13:58I shall go to the police.
00:14:12Scotland Yard.
00:14:18And when that terrible woman suggested I was mad, I just ran.
00:14:22What could I do?
00:14:25Or did I dream it all?
00:14:27Shall I stick a pin in you?
00:14:29Supposing the police don't believe me.
00:14:32Where did you say we were going?
00:14:33Scotland Yard.
00:14:35Well, let's see. What do I know about Scotsmen?
00:14:37Strong and silent, aren't they?
00:14:39Now, I like my men weak and talkative.
00:14:41And if they talk, they sometimes say things they're sorry for.
00:14:44So I got my diamond.
00:14:50I hoped you'd reconsider your decision, Martin.
00:14:53I'm sorry, sir.
00:14:54Just give your aunt's legacy to the police orphanage and go back to your office.
00:14:57You see, sir, I've decided to travel.
00:15:00Yes, and to improve my ideas.
00:15:03Oh, a tip.
00:15:04Don't lecture and don't write reminiscences.
00:15:07Nobody wants to hear them or read them.
00:15:09Off you go. Good luck.
00:15:11Thank you, sir.
00:15:20Wake up, you dope.
00:15:22I was concentrating.
00:15:24You call me sir. Be respectful to your superior.
00:15:27Superior my foot. I've resigned.
00:15:30I'm a free man, Andy.
00:15:32Whilst you're just a small-time copper with a large liver.
00:15:35Oh, yes.
00:15:37You're plain lazy because you're too fat.
00:15:39And you're too fat because you're plain lazy. It's a vicious circle.
00:15:42Oh, never mind. From now on, it won't worry me.
00:15:45You're going to buy a country house and be a gent, eh?
00:15:48Ride to hounds and take duchesses out to dinner.
00:15:51What a life for a grown man.
00:15:53Oh, stop it, Andy. I'm beginning to weaken already. Don't make it any worse.
00:15:56Otherwise, I'll stay here and cheat you out of promotion.
00:15:58I can see the whole picture.
00:16:00A fool and his money, a blonde and her mother and another poor sap ends up broke, beaten and bewildered.
00:16:06Oh, Andy, the woman's going to ruin my life until I'm too old to resist.
00:16:10Women are like tiger cats.
00:16:12They ought to be in cages at 16 and shot at 20.
00:16:15Come in.
00:16:17A young lady to see you, sir.
00:16:19She says it's urgent.
00:16:20One of the last property officers over the river.
00:16:22She says it's murder, sir.
00:16:23Somebody's poisoned her cat.
00:16:25Bring her in.
00:16:27Oh, well, before the old frump starts telling her boring story, I'll vamoose.
00:16:31Goodbye, Andy. Remember me at Christmas.
00:16:33Did you land down, sir?
00:16:38Inspector Sneed?
00:16:40No, no.
00:16:42I was told to ask for Inspector Sneed.
00:16:45I'm Inspector Sneed.
00:16:46What can I do for you, ladies?
00:16:48Look, I've just seen how...
00:16:51I've had a terrible experience.
00:16:53A man's been murdered.
00:16:55Where? By whom?
00:16:56Mr. Martin, I'll take charge of this matter.
00:16:58Sure, but I'll help.
00:17:00Now, ladies, tell me all about it.
00:17:02Well, about half an hour ago,
00:17:04I went to a hospital here.
00:17:06Were you expecting the note from this man, Silver?
00:17:10The one with the key?
00:17:12It was a complete surprise.
00:17:13I thought it was from a band conductor who was trying to get off with me,
00:17:16the way they all do, but...
00:17:17Do you mind leaving this matter to us?
00:17:20I was only trying to help.
00:17:22Give me Morrison.
00:17:23Yes, Inspector.
00:17:24You're quite sure he was shot?
00:17:25He must have been.
00:17:26I saw him clutch at his chest when the bullet struck him.
00:17:29There was no report?
00:17:32But I heard a sort of a dull plop.
00:17:35Silence, sir.
00:17:38I want you to come up right away.
00:17:40Tell a squad car to stand by.
00:17:42I'm glad I didn't go in.
00:17:43I just hate to see a man wasted like that.
00:17:45There aren't enough to go around as it is.
00:17:50Go to the Norgate Nursing Home Earl's Court right away.
00:17:54Make a complete search.
00:17:55It looks like a murder charge.
00:17:57And you'd better be armed.
00:18:02Oh, Inspector.
00:18:04If you're not wanting Miss Lansdowne right now,
00:18:06I'll go to the flat and inspect that key.
00:18:09You'll go, but you've resigned.
00:18:11Yes, I know, but I'd like to help unofficially.
00:18:14You see, I resigned my job this morning.
00:18:16We needn't worry about that.
00:18:18Will you accept my services as advisor and friend?
00:18:21Well, I...
00:18:22Oh, I might be useful.
00:18:24It's entirely free.
00:18:28Consider yourself engaged.
00:18:30With thanks.
00:18:31Andy, from now on,
00:18:33I'm Miss Lansdowne's guide, philosopher, and friend.
00:18:36See that she gets a square deal
00:18:38from the double-crossing police.
00:18:42I may need a little advice, too.
00:18:44My mother didn't tell me a thing.
00:18:47I may need a little advice, too.
00:18:49My mother didn't tell me a thing.
00:19:18That's what they told me.
00:19:19For Pete's sake, let's have some light.
00:19:23That's better.
00:19:24Gosh, these London fogs give you the heebie-jeebies,
00:19:26don't they?
00:19:27Londoners love their fog.
00:19:29Say, that roommate of yours, what's his name?
00:19:32Oh, Andy Snead.
00:19:33He doesn't seem to like women much, does he?
00:19:35Was his mother ever frightened by one?
00:19:38Glenda likes them to fall easily.
00:19:43A burglar!
00:19:44In there!
00:19:56Is it a burglar?
00:20:15Let me go!
00:20:17Let me go!
00:20:19Let me go!
00:20:20Let me go!
00:20:23Let me go!
00:20:26Let me go!
00:20:43Help! Help!
00:20:54What is it now?
00:21:02Are you hurt?
00:21:07The hall porter has it, I hope.
00:21:17It was the key that mattered.
00:21:19Why didn't you get it?
00:21:27Try to be brave, my child.
00:21:29I do, Worst.
00:21:33One man's already being killed for this, and there may be more on the agenda.
00:21:39Glenda, have you got the brandy?
00:21:49I feel better for that.
00:21:53Well, you'll survive, I'm afraid.
00:21:55Thanks for the good news.
00:21:58Have you got those letters Silver sent you?
00:22:01Oh, I just remembered.
00:22:03I showed the second letter to that matron.
00:22:05She never gave it back to me.
00:22:07But I've got the first one.
00:22:10In the bedroom.
00:22:16I'll keep the key, meanwhile.
00:22:18Here's your brandy.
00:22:19Oh, goodness. One thing that's not going to hurt me.
00:22:21Yes, it's for you.
00:22:26Oh, hello, Andy.
00:22:28The solicitor who looks after the Selford Estate is Edward Hadlock, Waterloo Place, W1.
00:22:35Perhaps your girlfriend would like to ask him a few questions and let me have the answers.
00:22:39Yeah, well, I'll go and find out the answers myself.
00:22:42Good help.
00:22:46That burglar was the messiest guy.
00:22:49It's gone!
00:22:50What letter?
00:22:51I had it this morning.
00:22:54It's certainly a conspiracy to wipe out all traces of Silver's existence.
00:22:57I'm afraid this adventure may land you in considerable danger.
00:23:02When I was 15, I spun a coin.
00:23:05Tales, homegirl, cooking and knitting.
00:23:08Heads, adventure.
00:23:11Heads won.
00:23:19And so, Mr. Hadlock, I suggested Miss Lansdowne should come and see you.
00:23:23Miss Lansdowne, I've been trying to get in touch with you for years.
00:23:27Well, you see, my parents died when I was very young.
00:23:30I was brought up by French Canadians in Cuvée.
00:23:33I never knew I was connected with the Selford family.
00:23:37The last of the line is the present Lord Selford.
00:23:41He was 11 when his father died.
00:23:44I tried to become a father to him when my own son died some years ago.
00:23:49I hoped that John Selford would take his place, but...
00:23:53Oh, he's the most elusive young man in the world.
00:23:56He never spends more than a few days together in one place.
00:23:59At present, I believe he's in Buenos Aires.
00:24:01I'll look up his latest communication.
00:24:06Bring me the Selford file for November.
00:24:09I suppose the Selfords have got a family place here.
00:24:11Yes, uh, Selford Manor.
00:24:14A quiet old place in the heart of the country.
00:24:16The house is let now to an old friend of the late Lord Selford, but...
00:24:20should you wish to visit it, I'm sure that he would give you every assistance.
00:24:25Does this mean anything to you?
00:24:32Looks like one of the seven keys of the Selford tomb.
00:24:39Krauss, bring me the Selford keys.
00:24:42Keys, sir?
00:24:44I haven't handled those twice in ten years.
00:24:47Yes, yes, Grayson will show you, now hurry up.
00:24:52When Lord Selford died,
00:24:54he was buried in a tomb with seven locks.
00:24:58I hold all the keys.
00:25:01Where did you get this?
00:25:03A man Silver gave it to me.
00:25:07Could be a genuine Selford key.
00:25:09After what you heard about Silver's murder,
00:25:11can you think of anyone who'd want it so badly, genuine or not?
00:25:16No, it baffles me.
00:25:18You sure it's the right one?
00:25:20Can't you read?
00:25:21Can't you read?
00:25:22Not by day, I went to a night school.
00:25:25I heard that over the radio last week.
00:25:36But in the meantime, I'll do everything I can for you, Miss Lansdowne.
00:25:40Everybody seems to be helping me.
00:25:44The box is empty, sir.
00:25:47Look, sir.
00:25:48Who was responsible for them?
00:25:50Well, they were in the care of my chief clerk, Foster,
00:25:53who retired two years ago.
00:25:55When he left, he handed them over to Grayson here.
00:25:58Did you check everything?
00:25:59Well, er...
00:26:00Or did you take Foster's word?
00:26:02Yes, Mr. Lambert.
00:26:03You see, we were very rushed.
00:26:05Now, the estate will hold you personally responsible.
00:26:07This is a very serious matter.
00:26:08I shall report it to the police.
00:26:13Was Foster trustworthy?
00:26:15Oh, absolutely.
00:26:16He came on the most excellent recommendation.
00:26:19You say you held all the keys?
00:26:22Yes, certain.
00:26:23I thought they were in that box.
00:26:25But this is a terrible matter, Mr. Martin.
00:26:28I betrayed my trust.
00:26:31Do you think Foster could have taken them?
00:26:34I don't.
00:26:35Why should he?
00:26:36Yes, well, it depends on his moral character.
00:26:39Excuse me.
00:26:40Was there anything of value in the tomb?
00:26:44The sulphur jewels.
00:27:04What's that rumbling noise?
00:27:05We got a flat tire.
00:27:07No, it's only Glenda snoring.
00:27:13You better have a look at that map.
00:27:14Well, it says,
00:27:15turn left beyond the three feathers,
00:27:18then straight on,
00:27:20and then turn to the right.
00:27:21That should lead us straight to Salford Manor.
00:27:23Well, we're on the right road, anyway.
00:27:28There's something in the middle there.
00:27:35Well, what do we do now?
00:27:38Better try this one.
00:27:40I don't...
00:27:49I feel a little sleepy.
00:27:52Do you mind if I just go and...
00:28:02That was close.
00:28:03Oh, that was hard.
00:28:07I wonder who thought that one up.
00:28:10I don't know.
00:28:11I don't know.
00:28:12I don't know.
00:28:13I don't know.
00:28:14I don't know.
00:28:15I don't know.
00:28:16I don't know.
00:28:17Who thought that one up?
00:28:21Have I missed something?
00:28:39Welcome to the ancestral home.
00:28:41But no red carpets, no flowers.
00:28:44What do they think we are?
00:28:47I don't know.
00:28:56You're late.
00:28:57I was getting worried about you.
00:28:58Yeah, we took the wrong turning.
00:28:59Oh, Miss Baker, this is Mr. Havelock,
00:29:01the lawyer and trustee of the Salford estate.
00:29:04I'm delighted to meet you, Miss Baker.
00:29:07I hope you didn't mind my crashing the party.
00:29:09I thought these two might need company.
00:29:13Isn't this a lovely old place, Glenda?
00:29:16Now, what do you like best?
00:29:17The fire.
00:29:20Now, I'm in love with that.
00:29:23Our host will appreciate your love of flowers, Miss Lansdowne.
00:29:27Ah, here he is.
00:29:28Dr. Manetta, let me introduce Miss Lansdowne,
00:29:31Miss Baker, and Mr. Martin.
00:29:33Welcome, my friends.
00:29:34This is a great day for me.
00:29:35I cannot remember when last I entertained.
00:29:38I live here almost like a hermit.
00:29:40Well, I hope our cook has not forgotten
00:29:42how to prepare a good dinner.
00:29:44It has been so long without practice.
00:29:48Yes, sir?
00:29:49Take the bags upstairs.
00:29:50The housekeeper will tell you where everything goes.
00:29:54Miss Lansdowne's been admiring your azaleas.
00:29:56Oh, so you like flowers, huh?
00:29:58I adore them, but don't all women?
00:30:00Beautiful women and beautiful flowers have much in common.
00:30:04Their purpose is to brighten an otherwise dreary world.
00:30:08Well, as soon as you have seen your rooms and changed,
00:30:10I will have cocktails ready for you.
00:30:12I'm fixing him in the surgery, Doc.
00:30:13Make mine an arsenic straight.
00:30:15You are an American, huh?
00:30:16No, I'm from Ontario.
00:30:18June's from Quebec.
00:30:19A French-Canadian?
00:30:20Sort of, by adoption.
00:30:22I was in Canada once.
00:30:23There was a revolution in my country,
00:30:25and my sympathies being anti-rebel,
00:30:27I repaired to a country
00:30:28where they would not worry about my qualities.
00:30:30I'll take those.
00:30:32Stick around.
00:30:38I want a private talk with you presently.
00:30:39I'm more perturbed than ever.
00:30:41Dinner will be ready in half an hour.
00:30:43My cook is a stickler for punctuality.
00:30:45Tell me, my man.
00:30:46Excuse me, please.
00:30:48Craig, I am afraid, is dumb.
00:30:51Is there anything I can do for you?
00:30:52No, thanks.
00:30:53Craig was the unfortunate victim of rebel atrocities.
00:30:57He lost his tongue.
00:31:00Is that so?
00:31:02What did you say?
00:31:03What was it you wanted to talk to me about?
00:31:06I've been down to the tomb,
00:31:07and as far as I can tell, nothing's been disturbed.
00:31:09But at any rate, everything's still locked.
00:31:11And Dr. Mineta says that he's sure
00:31:13that nobody's been near it in ages.
00:31:15But I'm very uneasy.
00:31:25Which room did you say?
00:31:33Do you think he was listening?
00:31:35I don't know.
00:31:37But you see, Foster, the clerk who had charge of the keys,
00:31:40was recommended by Dr. Mineta.
00:31:46My main recreation?
00:31:47Well, music upon what I would do with my spare time,
00:31:50if I had any.
00:31:51My patients are poor but numerous,
00:31:53but they are quite unique.
00:31:54They always pay their accounts promptly.
00:31:57Dr. Mineta has a great reputation
00:31:58which extends far beyond the county borders.
00:32:01It's lucky that his patients are honest,
00:32:03because he'd never send them any bill.
00:32:04No, no, no, there you are wrong, my friend.
00:32:06Even a country doctor must live.
00:32:08Money means nothing to me,
00:32:09but it seems to be an obsession with my tradespeople.
00:32:13If I can manage a meal a day
00:32:14in two pairs of stockings, that's all I ask.
00:32:17Just as long as she's got a few fair coats on the side.
00:32:21Like myself, you are a simple soul.
00:32:23I'm quite sure we are the happiest.
00:32:25Dr. Mineta has quite a number of visitors
00:32:27who are not patients.
00:32:29They come to see his weird collection.
00:32:32What do you collect, doctor?
00:32:35Instruments of torture.
00:32:37Is Mr. Havelock joking?
00:32:38Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:32:39I think I ought to explain
00:32:40that my interest is purely antiquarian,
00:32:42although perhaps I have a slight personal interest.
00:32:45Oh, and what is that?
00:32:46I am Spanish by descent.
00:32:48My family claim I was one of their ancestors,
00:32:50the famous, or perhaps I should say the infamous,
00:32:53Tomas de Toquimada.
00:32:55Now, what do I know about him?
00:32:57Wasn't he the Grand Inquisitor?
00:33:01He used torture to a fine art.
00:33:04It served its purpose.
00:33:06You're surely not attempting to justify its use.
00:33:09Why not?
00:33:10Be careful, Martin.
00:33:11It's a trap.
00:33:12He's only arguing for the sake of argument.
00:33:14Nevertheless, I'd like to hear the case for torture.
00:33:17It is based on the principle
00:33:18that only the guilty had anything to confess.
00:33:21Yes, but that's basically unsound.
00:33:23There is such a thing, you know, as a false confession.
00:33:25True, you have discovered the flaw in the argument.
00:33:28Frequently, the innocent confess to sins
00:33:30of which they were not guilty,
00:33:32while many a true heretic
00:33:33suffered martyrdom in silence.
00:33:35Well, I'm glad we're living in a more enlightened age.
00:33:38I wonder if we are.
00:33:39Tomorrow, you must visit my little collection.
00:33:41It is a queer collection, both ancient and modern.
00:33:44Does it include the dentist's drill?
00:33:48Shall we take coffee in the hall?
00:33:50Why doesn't your client ever come home
00:33:52to this lovely place?
00:33:53I'm afraid I can't answer that question,
00:33:55except by suggesting that he's a crazy young man
00:33:58with more money than sense.
00:34:00Tombs and torture chambers.
00:34:02Don't they have any simple pastimes in this place?
00:34:05Well, maybe we can get the doctor
00:34:06to stage us a little public execution.
00:34:26Ah, this is so peaceful.
00:34:28I could stay here for a hundred years,
00:34:30couldn't you, June?
00:34:32Oh, so that's the way it is, huh?
00:34:35Well, the storm is over and the moon is up.
00:34:38Oh, bravo.
00:34:39You must be a genius to conjure music
00:34:41out of that old crock.
00:34:44Well, moon's up.
00:34:45What about looking at the tomb?
00:34:46I couldn't think of a more romantic idea.
00:34:48I understood that you all wish to visit the tomb.
00:34:52Not me.
00:34:53If I go calling on corpses,
00:34:54I generally pick a sunny day for it.
00:34:57Oh, please forgive me,
00:34:58but I just remembered that I have to visit a patient.
00:35:01So I shall not be able to accompany you to the tomb.
00:35:04Have a look.
00:35:05We'll show you the way.
00:35:06I'm overdue already.
00:35:07I shall be waiting to join you in a game of baccarat
00:35:09when you return.
00:35:10Excuse me.
00:35:25Oh, Beppo, Beppo, Beppo.
00:35:27Come on, Esther.
00:35:28Oh, Beppo, Beppo, Beppo.
00:35:34Come on, Esther to Esther.
00:35:37I don't like any of this business.
00:35:39I wish I was out of it.
00:35:50Well, they've arrived.
00:35:52We saw them.
00:35:53What do you want us for?
00:35:55The girl went to see Havelock.
00:35:56He discovered he had lost the cell phone keys.
00:35:59Mr. Martin was interested.
00:36:01Well, what about it?
00:36:02What does he know, anyway?
00:36:04Oh, nothing very much.
00:36:05But he is an inquisitive young man.
00:36:07He may prove a nuisance to us.
00:36:09What have we got to worry about?
00:36:10He can't do anything about Sylvan till he's a body to prove it.
00:36:13And he can't open the tomb without the keys.
00:36:15Anyway, the girl isn't a beneficiary
00:36:17as long as young John's alive.
00:36:19Just the same.
00:36:20For your own safety, you must get back the key.
00:36:22There's another matter to discuss.
00:36:24Our share out is overdue.
00:36:26Oh, don't you worry about that.
00:36:27You'll get the money.
00:36:29Meanwhile, we have six keys between us.
00:36:32And the girl has the seventh.
00:36:33And the girl has the seventh.
00:36:35But we must be gentle with her.
00:36:37She plays Chopin divinely.
00:36:39Eh, Biffle?
00:36:45You've been there before, haven't you, Mr. Havelock?
00:36:47Yes, I was there this afternoon.
00:36:50Are you sure you won't come to the tomb, Miss Baker?
00:36:52No, thanks.
00:36:53If I want any jitters, I'll get them out of a bottle.
00:36:56I believe your old families bury themselves in grand style.
00:37:00Yes, when the dead are gone.
00:37:02Yes, when the death duties allow.
00:37:08Could I please have a gin and jitters?
00:37:10I mean a gin and...
00:37:12Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:37:21Is it far?
00:37:22No, to the left of the millhouse
00:37:24where the doctor keeps his torture gadgets.
00:37:26He's a queer chap, my Nedda.
00:37:28I think he's rather jolly.
00:37:30He always brings the poisoner.
00:37:40Here we are.
00:37:41Cheerful place, isn't it?
00:37:44Oh, hello.
00:37:46It's open.
00:37:48That's strange.
00:37:49I'm sure it was closed when I was here this afternoon.
00:37:53So flocky.
00:37:55Fan your torch down here a moment, will you?
00:38:01Tire marks.
00:38:03Has any large car or van been round here recently?
00:38:06Oh, I think it's very probable.
00:38:08A koala.
00:38:10Run the kuddies home to the cottage.
00:38:12I think we can go back to the house.
00:38:22Come on, let's go inside.
00:38:24I don't understand those marks.
00:38:27Something queer is going on here.
00:38:48Well, I can think of nicer ways to spend an evening.
00:38:51Some nightclubs are not much better.
00:38:57There have been people here recently.
00:39:00A woman among them.
00:39:02But the gates always kept locked.
00:39:05We found it open.
00:39:07True, and I can't explain that.
00:39:09Where's the store with the seven locks?
00:39:12Down here at the end.
00:39:28Well, there's one thing's certain.
00:39:29This door hasn't been opened for several years.
00:39:33In your stick a moment, Miss Vanever.
00:39:42Was Lord Telford afraid someone might wake him up?
00:39:45I've explained to you that he'd had the family jewels put in there with him.
00:39:49Don't ask me why.
00:39:51His will dictates that they're to be given to John's bride on her wedding day.
00:39:58If the keys hadn't been stolen, how many would we have had?
00:40:01Seven would, Miss Lansdowne.
00:40:03Well, with your permission, I'd like to try this one.
00:40:05Certainly, please do.
00:40:08If your family heirlooms have been stolen, then it's a matter for the police.
00:40:13Ah, that's the one.
00:40:15Spring Lock.
00:40:17Well, even if they haven't, I've no right to probe in there.
00:40:20As prospective heiress, Miss Lansdowne, what are your wishes?
00:40:24Sylva knew something about that tomb that causes death.
00:40:28I'd hate to disturb the family ghosts, but I should like to know what it was.
00:40:41I think you'd be wise to dump your responsibilities on the public trustee.
00:40:44It's not too late to do it now.
00:40:46From what I've seen and heard, I should advise it.
00:40:49Well, it's locked. How did that happen?
00:40:52Perhaps it's the wind.
00:40:54No, it couldn't possibly have been that.
00:40:56I told you it was self-locking. Oh, no, the lock's the other side.
00:41:00Well, try again.
00:41:04Oh, good. It's locked all right.
00:41:06Here's the key.
00:41:09Well, if we're going to stay here all night, I need a toothbrush.
00:41:12You're not scared, are you?
00:41:14Frankly, I am.
00:41:16I feel sure that some malignant forces are working against us.
00:41:32A shot, wasn't it?
00:41:34I bet it was.
00:41:36I'm sure it was.
00:41:39A shot, wasn't it?
00:41:41I bet it was.
00:41:48I love frolicking in morgues.
00:41:51What are you doing?
00:41:53A man went through the trees into the bushes.
00:41:56I wonder where his bullet went.
00:41:58I think it'll tell us who killed Silver and a lot of other things we want to know.
00:42:02It struck over here. I heard it.
00:42:21Jeff, Beppo! You know you're Dr. Mineta's little monkey.
00:42:24Come and fetch that key.
00:42:26Oh, come along. Come here, Beppo.
00:42:28Come along. Come along. There's a good monkey.
00:42:30Come on. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.
00:42:32That's the fellow.
00:42:36Beppo! Beppo! Beppo!
00:42:38I've looked all around, sir.
00:42:40Well, he was on my shoulder until he jumped into the bushes.
00:42:42Well, don't stand there and gape. Go and find him.
00:42:46Beppo! Beppo!
00:42:48Well, sweetie, I think we owe you quite a lot.
00:42:51Mr. Martin, murder's been attempted.
00:42:54What do you propose to do about it as a police officer?
00:42:57I am a private citizen, Mr. Havelock, and as such, I prefer to do precisely nothing.
00:43:01What? The key's stolen and murder attempted and you propose to do nothing at all?
00:43:05Only for tonight. Tomorrow I may do quite a lot.
00:43:08But we may never see tomorrow.
00:43:11Now, Mr. Havelock, don't spoil my lovely evening.
00:43:20Beppo! Beppo! Beppo!
00:43:22Is he the deaf and dumb one?
00:43:24Oh, no, no. He is just my little monkey.
00:43:26A lonely man's only friend.
00:43:28Well, he is somewhere. He was on my shoulder and then he jumped into the bushes.
00:43:31Glenda! We got locked into the tomb!
00:43:34A mere accident.
00:43:36We, um, lost the key.
00:43:38Your little monkey found it for us.
00:43:40Yes. He's very clever.
00:43:42But he has his stupid moments.
00:43:48Someday, when my patients either desert me or die,
00:43:52I am thinking of opening my little collection to the public.
00:43:57After what happened last night,
00:43:59I can't help feeling that our presence here is far from welcome.
00:44:04Havelock seems to think that Manetta's in some scheme to rob the tomb.
00:44:07For the jewels?
00:44:09Yes. But, you know, I'm beginning to believe
00:44:11that there's more in this business than just the mere theft of a few family heirlooms.
00:44:15Do you suspect Manetta?
00:44:17On fact, no.
00:44:19On his looks?
00:44:21Why not?
00:44:24Well, here we are.
00:44:30Get a load of beer.
00:44:41Now, that is a collection of poisoned drinking cups.
00:44:44This one belonged to Lucrezia Borgia.
00:44:47You'll have to take my word for it.
00:44:50Come here. I'll show you something else.
00:44:54Those leg shackles are 18th century.
00:44:59And what's that?
00:45:00This was called the vagrant's mask.
00:45:02It was fitted over the victim's head.
00:45:06This part was pressed against the eyes.
00:45:09Then it was screwed up tightly.
00:45:12I leave the rest to your imagination.
00:45:19Sweet little collection, isn't it?
00:45:21Yes, I think I'm going to stick to cigarette pictures.
00:45:29What's the stage show for?
00:45:31A page of history.
00:45:34Not Magna Carta?
00:45:36No, it is the Inquisition in session.
00:45:39It is reconstructed from an incident in which my own family took part.
00:45:44Not as the victims.
00:45:46I also have a choice collection of branding irons.
00:45:49Yes, we could do with some of those at the yard.
00:45:52Some people are most reluctant to talk.
00:45:54Ah, for that I recommend this.
00:46:01The Iron Maiden of Toledo.
00:46:03A great favorite of Ferdinand of Castile.
00:46:06She was the queen of terrors in 1484.
00:46:09An original, preserved for over 400 years.
00:46:13She looks quite charming to me.
00:46:15Yes, I always distrust charming women on principle.
00:46:18Oh, you are so right.
00:46:20Let me show you something.
00:46:23Would you like to play the part of the victim?
00:46:26Well, here.
00:46:34The Iron Maiden was no angel, I assure you.
00:46:38And if the victim hadn't come back,
00:46:41and if the victim hadn't confessed by the time the knives descended,
00:46:46he kept his secret for good.
00:46:59There will be no collection.
00:47:02That would be a swell thing for making backward guys propose.
00:47:07They showed great imagination, don't you agree?
00:47:25I smell coffee.
00:47:26Glenda, aren't you going to join us?
00:47:28No, the doc's going to show us his anterimus.
00:47:32Craig looks as if he's been in the wars.
00:47:34What do you mean?
00:47:36Don't you see the new bandage on his wrist?
00:47:44I've seen something odd in that place.
00:47:47Odd? I think it's a better word.
00:47:49No, no, I mean something that struck me particularly as being odd.
00:47:54Did I ever tell you about that picture in Sylvia's room in the nursing home?
00:48:00Well, I didn't realize at the time what it represented.
00:48:03Now I know what it was.
00:48:07It was the picture of a Spanish priest, an inquisitor.
00:48:11And I've just seen it in that old mill.
00:48:14Or an exact copy.
00:48:16Well, that's funny, because it certainly wasn't in the nursing home when Snead searched the place.
00:48:21Minetta must have been connected with that nursing home.
00:48:25And it was he that recommended the clerk Foster to Havelock.
00:48:29Do you think it's possible that Minetta murdered the inn?
00:48:33My dear.
00:48:35In Craig's bandage.
00:48:37Did you mean it was he who shot it?
00:48:40It could have been.
00:48:41But who's going to tell us he can't?
00:48:51Who for?
00:48:54All right.
00:48:55Yes, I'm ready.
00:49:01I'll read it back to you.
00:49:03Can you come yard today?
00:49:05Discuss case as friend.
00:49:07Have some news for you.
00:49:09Regards, Andy.
00:49:11Received 11.15 a.m.
00:49:13Is that right?
00:49:16All right.
00:49:17I'll be there.
00:49:18I'll be there.
00:49:19I'll be there.
00:49:20I'll be there.
00:49:21I'll be there.
00:49:22I'll be there.
00:49:23I'll be there.
00:49:24I'll be there.
00:49:29Have Locke's coming to town with me.
00:49:31I'll be back in the morning.
00:49:32You know, I hate leaving you.
00:49:34No, we'll be all right.
00:49:35This isn't the Victorian age, you know.
00:49:37No, you get me wrong.
00:49:39I mean, I don't like leaving you.
00:49:42Well, you'll be back in the morning.
00:49:44Yes, and when I do come back, I may have something to tell you.
00:49:48Can't you tell me now?
00:49:49No, time and place are all wrong.
00:49:51It can't be very important.
00:49:52Oh, yes, it is.
00:49:53It's the most important thing of all.
00:49:54Ready, Martin?
00:49:55Yes, coming.
00:49:56You'll take care of yourself, won't you?
00:49:58I told you, I love adventure.
00:50:01Yes, I'm beginning to wish cooking had won when you tossed that coin.
00:50:07Oh, those letters of John Selford's.
00:50:09Can I see them?
00:50:10Yes, I'll drop off at my office and bring them over.
00:50:15I hope you're right about Minetta.
00:50:17I'm sure I am.
00:50:19If Minetta's in this, he won't dare come out into the open.
00:50:22He need not worry about Miss Lansdowne or her friend.
00:50:25June's all right.
00:50:26She can take care of herself.
00:50:34Minetta and the Cody's are in some racket together.
00:50:37They bump silver and dispose of the body.
00:50:40In a plane van.
00:50:41In a what?
00:50:42I was just coming to that.
00:50:44A woman who lives opposite the nursing home notices a plane van outside the place
00:50:48on the night the Lansdowne girl is there.
00:50:50Why the devil didn't you tell me that before?
00:50:51You didn't ask me.
00:50:53Listen, Andy.
00:50:54I was down at the Selford vault last night.
00:50:56And in the mud outside, there were the tire marks of a large car.
00:51:00A van, probably.
00:51:02The van you and Mrs. Watson saw.
00:51:04Andy, the solution of silver's disappearance is in that tomb.
00:51:10Now listen.
00:51:11June and Havelock were with me.
00:51:13Somebody locked us in that tomb and started a shooting match.
00:51:17I found the slug. I've got it here.
00:51:19I see.
00:51:25I should say that it had been fired through a .38 auto.
00:51:28I'll get the expert to check up.
00:51:31Come in.
00:51:33Mr. Havelock, sir.
00:51:37You've been very quick.
00:51:38Yes, I don't want to waste time.
00:51:40This affair is getting on my nerves.
00:51:42Oh, this is Inspector Sneen.
00:51:45You'll have to excuse him.
00:51:46He's never conscious till after lunch.
00:51:49I've brought the Selford letters.
00:51:51Just a few of the more recent ones.
00:51:53That's fine.
00:51:55Are you certain the letters were from John Selford?
00:51:58Though I've not seen him for some time, I know his handwriting.
00:52:01When did you last see him?
00:52:03Oh, about four years ago.
00:52:07He hasn't been home since?
00:52:08No, not to my knowledge.
00:52:11Doesn't that strike you as being a bit odd?
00:52:14Yes, but then I know his idiosyncrasies.
00:52:27Yes, Mr. Havelock.
00:52:28You must realize, Martin, that I have no right to prevent a man of 21 from seeing the world on his own money.
00:52:33Besides, as I've told you, his health isn't at all good.
00:52:36He needs sunshine.
00:52:38What's wrong with him?
00:52:39Paralysis of the right hand.
00:52:44I know, I know.
00:52:46So he's left-handed.
00:52:49Have you come to any conclusions?
00:52:52We, um, have certain theories.
00:52:54I hope you'll get the matter straightened out.
00:52:56It's most worrying.
00:52:57If there's any way that I can help you, I...
00:52:59Well, if you'll let us do the worrying, sir.
00:53:01In the meantime, will you look after this key for me?
00:53:06Oh, I'd much rather not have the responsibility.
00:53:09I wish you would, sir.
00:53:10Inspector Sneed and I are returning to Salford in the morning.
00:53:13And I think it will be safer in your keeping.
00:53:16Are you, uh, expecting trouble?
00:53:19Well, you never know.
00:53:22Well, I shall be at my office if you want me.
00:53:27Good morning, Inspector.
00:53:30He's worn out. He's been awake all the morning.
00:53:39What's the matter with you? Concentrating again?
00:53:41Salford's left-handed. That ought to help.
00:53:44What about these letters?
00:53:45I'll have them sent down to the handwriting expert.
00:53:48I'll take them down there myself.
00:53:49I suppose he is still at Dolphin Street.
00:53:51Yes. D-O-L-F-I-N.
00:54:03The writer of these was a young man of 30 to 35.
00:54:08Anything else?
00:54:10The paper was manufactured in England.
00:54:13But a lot of it finds its way abroad.
00:54:16One thing more.
00:54:17Which hand were they written with?
00:54:19The right.
00:54:21The right?
00:54:24Listen, Andy.
00:54:25I'm onto something big.
00:54:27Those letters were written with the right hand.
00:54:30And John Salford's right hand is paralyzed.
00:54:34You'll have to miss your beauty sleep.
00:54:35You're coming down to Salford with me tonight.
00:54:44Did a nice sleep?
00:54:45I should say not. I've been working hard. Look.
00:54:49Mild's too big. It'll never fit you.
00:54:52I've changed my mind. I'm making it for somebody else.
00:54:56Cornelius. You know, that nice detective friend of Dick's.
00:55:00For Pete's sake, what's happening?
00:55:04Look! Look, Beppo's got it.
00:55:07Hey, Monk, come down here.
00:55:09Look at him now.
00:55:11Come down here at once.
00:55:14Beppo, come down here.
00:55:16Come on, little Beppo. Come to Auntie.
00:55:19Be careful.
00:55:20Naughty Beppo.
00:55:23Talk about a bull in a china shop.
00:55:26Beppo, come down, Beppo.
00:55:29Beppo, come down here at once.
00:55:31If he doesn't stop soon, there won't be any jumper for Cornelius.
00:55:34Oh, look at him now.
00:55:36Hey, Monk, come down here.
00:55:38Perhaps he doesn't understand English.
00:55:41Be careful.
00:56:10I've seen it before.
00:56:11No, not this one.
00:56:12Now, let's get this straight. You had it here.
00:56:14I gave it to Dick.
00:56:15So what?
00:56:16This may be one of those stolen from Havelock.
00:56:18You mean the doctor pinched them?
00:56:20Well, he may know who did.
00:56:21Well, why should he be mixed up in it?
00:56:23For half a million pounds in the south for jewels, maybe?
00:56:26I'm going to telephone Dick.
00:56:27Well, there's the phone.
00:56:28No, not from here.
00:56:30I'm suspicious of everybody now.
00:56:32But Dick said he'd be back in the morning.
00:56:34I want to tell him right away.
00:56:36I'm going to phone from the village.
00:56:41I guess I'll make him a pair of socks instead.
00:56:47Well, what did she find?
00:56:51What's up?
00:56:52A letter on earth under the keys.
00:56:54The girl has it.
00:56:55Craig saw it in her hand.
00:56:57He must get it back. Where is she?
00:56:58I saw her going towards the road.
00:57:00It looked as if she was off to the village.
00:57:01Better still, we don't want any trouble here.
00:57:03He must get the car out and follow her.
00:57:05She mustn't reach the village.
00:57:06Take her to the Cody's, you understand?
00:57:08My job's writing, not kidnapping.
00:57:10I advise you not to argue.
00:57:11It frees my nerves.
00:57:35Bring her in here.
00:58:05You're a knock on the head.
00:58:06I'll attend to her.
00:58:12The girl's here.
00:58:13Give me a drink, will you?
00:58:22The mate.
00:58:23I'd rest if I were you.
00:58:27I'll get you a sedative.
00:58:32Why am I here?
00:58:34You had an accident.
00:58:37You've been unfortunate.
00:58:58How is she, all right?
00:58:59Yeah, she feels thirsty.
00:59:00So do you, evidently.
00:59:02I'm going to get her a sedative.
00:59:03Did you get the key?
00:59:05Let's have it.
00:59:06I've got to get back.
00:59:07The governor will be waiting.
00:59:08He's not getting it.
00:59:09Why not?
00:59:10What's the idea?
00:59:11Come on, hand it over.
00:59:13Take it easy.
00:59:14Vanessa owes us money.
00:59:15That right, Bevan?
00:59:17Our share is overdue.
00:59:19We should have had it three weeks ago.
00:59:21Well, we'll hold this and the girl till he comes across.
00:59:29You can't do it.
00:59:30The girl will be reported missing,
00:59:31and the cops will cover this place like an epidemic.
00:59:33That is up to Manetta.
00:59:34If he moves fast, he can save us all a lot of unpleasantness.
00:59:37Call him up.
00:59:38Kidnapping, blackmail.
00:59:40What's going to happen next?
00:59:44Mudcombe, 4-3.
00:59:45Tell him to come over.
00:59:47With the money.
00:59:51Is that you, doctor?
00:59:53This is Dr. Manetta speaking.
00:59:57How is the patient?
01:00:00Don't you understand, doctor?
01:00:05This is Cody Manetta.
01:00:06We've got the key.
01:00:07We were keeping it till we get our split.
01:00:10I will come and see the patient at once.
01:00:14One of my patients is very, very ill.
01:00:16I'm afraid I shall have to leave you.
01:00:19Just as we were beginning to get acquainted, too.
01:00:21That is one of the drawbacks of my profession.
01:00:24Excuse me, please.
01:00:29It's my guess that John Selford's been murdered.
01:00:32Or he's being held captive by Manetta and company.
01:00:37Someone, probably Cody, is cashing the checks abroad.
01:00:42Manetta's managing the forging business from this end
01:00:45and sending the letters to Cody
01:00:47so that he can post them to Havelock.
01:00:55I heard you.
01:00:57Well, we'll see what the two men covers.
01:01:04Well, how do you like it?
01:01:06I'm not crazy about it.
01:01:08What, are you nervous?
01:01:09I'll let you know if I want you to hold my hand.
01:01:27Turn it on.
01:01:29Yes, there are quite a few generations boxed up here.
01:01:36Say, this one looks interesting.
01:01:39Give me a hand, Andy.
01:01:42Finger marks.
01:01:43This thing's being tampered with recently.
01:01:50What's that?
01:01:51Oh, nothing.
01:01:52You're going to have to get a file.
01:01:54I'm going to have to.
01:01:55I'm going to have to.
01:01:56I know you're not going to.
01:01:57Don't you?
01:01:59I've got no choice.
01:02:00Not in the least.
01:02:01I'm going to have to.
01:02:02Now, I'm going to have to.
01:02:03What's the rush?
01:02:04You don't need a file.
01:02:05You don't need a file.
01:02:06I'm going to have to.
01:02:07I've got to.
01:02:08I've got to.
01:02:09I'm going to have to.
01:02:10Yeah, hold the torch, Andy.
01:02:14They did their job in a hurry.
01:02:17Screws are loose.
01:02:20Torch, Andy.
01:02:25From the description June Lansdowne gave me.
01:02:28It's the one you've got at the yard, too.
01:02:31Andy, we've got enough evidence to pin this on Minetta.
01:02:35I doubt it.
01:02:36Where's your money?
01:02:37Silver had to be silenced.
01:02:38He sent for June Lansdowne to tell her what happened to John Selford.
01:02:41But he was shot before he could speak.
01:02:43There's your motive.
01:02:46Any question, Minetta?
01:02:48No, Andy.
01:02:49I want you to hold your hand.
01:02:50There's still a lot in this business we know nothing about.
01:03:02Is that the door?
01:03:06That's where the real mystery lies.
01:03:10Come on, let's go.
01:03:11I'll be glad to.
01:03:14This place will keep me awake tonight.
01:03:18Hello, Glenda.
01:03:20Where's everybody?
01:03:21Thank heavens you're here at last.
01:03:23I'm scared stiff.
01:03:24Oh, don't worry.
01:03:25Here's Cornelius to comfort you.
01:03:26Where's June?
01:03:27She went out to phone you.
01:03:28She found another one of those keys.
01:03:30And she doesn't know where it is.
01:03:33And she didn't want to phone from here, so she went to the village.
01:03:35Is Minetta in?
01:03:36No, he went out a while back to visit one of his patients.
01:03:38That dumb servant's gone too.
01:03:40Gee, am I glad to see you two.
01:03:42Does Minetta know that June's got that key?
01:03:45I don't know.
01:03:48There's your girlfriend.
01:03:50Don't be vulgar.
01:03:51And take your hat off.
01:04:03Oh, Mr. Havelock.
01:04:05Yes, Martin here.
01:04:07Well, look here, Martin.
01:04:08I'm at my office, and a letter arrived this morning from Lord Stilford.
01:04:12What, another one?
01:04:14In the same handwriting?
01:04:15Yeah, and he's on his way to Stilford Manor.
01:04:18He's back in England.
01:04:21He'll be there at about eight o'clock.
01:04:25That's 20 minutes.
01:04:26Uh-huh, and I'm coming down in the morning.
01:04:30Oh, nothing.
01:04:40Did he say Stilford was turning up?
01:04:42Yes, about eight o'clock.
01:04:44Live after all, huh?
01:04:46Yes, so it seems.
01:04:48Gosh, I feel like a man who's been walking in one direction
01:04:51and then suddenly finds himself going in the other.
01:04:54Never experienced it.
01:04:57Not me.
01:04:59And I've got everything set.
01:05:01Forged letters, visits of Cody abroad,
01:05:05changing of the checks, everything.
01:05:08And now Stilford's got to turn up and explain it all.
01:05:11There's one thing you'll never be able to explain.
01:05:13Oh, and what's that?
01:05:14The murder of Silver.
01:05:16That's one for the netter.
01:05:18Yeah, well, that's busted now because there's no motive.
01:05:22Can't be wrong.
01:05:24Can't be.
01:05:25Well, while you're arguing the finer points of justice,
01:05:27how about June?
01:05:29Well, I'm going to wait until Stilford arrives.
01:05:31And if she hasn't turned up by then,
01:05:32I'll go down to the village and look for her.
01:05:55Is she awake?
01:06:18She must have had a heavy blow.
01:06:19Concussion probably.
01:06:20Watch the game.
01:06:21Don't scare me.
01:06:24Well, go on.
01:06:25Let him in.
01:06:31I am sorry to have kept you waiting,
01:06:32but when I received your pressing invitation,
01:06:35my car was not available.
01:06:38Well, I hope you have decided to adopt
01:06:39a more reasonable attitude.
01:06:42Where's the money?
01:06:44My dear Cody, do you imagine I'd carry a sum
01:06:46like that in loose cash?
01:06:48When do we get her?
01:06:50Shall we say tomorrow?
01:06:53All right.
01:06:54But no later.
01:06:58That's better.
01:06:59I knew you would be sensible about it, Ann.
01:07:03Call her.
01:07:04Open that window.
01:07:05It is like an oven in here.
01:07:07And now may I trouble you for the key?
01:07:09Oh, no.
01:07:11In return for the money.
01:07:13I must have it at once.
01:07:14What's the hurry?
01:07:15We are opening the tomb tonight.
01:07:17Your what?
01:07:18And I shall also require the other two keys
01:07:20in your possession.
01:07:36We had a right to be consulted about any change of plan.
01:07:39There's no time.
01:07:40The police know too much already.
01:07:42Unless we move quickly, they will
01:07:43have carried out the whole story.
01:07:45You're bluffing.
01:07:46The police won't find out the truth
01:07:47unless they open the tomb.
01:07:49And they'll need dynamite to do that.
01:07:51No, Moneta.
01:07:52We'll keep the keys.
01:07:54Really, Ann, you are being as stupid as your husband.
01:07:56Get out!
01:07:57Do you want to wake the girl?
01:07:59You refuse to give up the keys?
01:08:01Until we're paid, yes.
01:08:03Then we'll return yours.
01:08:05We're not partying with ours.
01:08:07They're too good a security.
01:08:10You're both being very unwise.
01:08:20Oh, stop!
01:08:27You'll never get away with this, Moneta.
01:08:29Pull yourself together, you fool.
01:08:31Get the keys.
01:09:02I'll have yours, too.
01:09:03Take the blasted thing.
01:09:04I'm through with the whole rotten business anyway.
01:09:06I'm going out.
01:09:07That is where you are mistaken.
01:09:32Drive to the vaults.
01:09:58Craig knows what to do when you get there.
01:10:00I'll follow in Cody's car.
01:10:01What about the girl?
01:10:02I'll look after her.
01:10:05Hurry, hurry!
01:10:29Good evening.
01:10:52May I introduce myself?
01:10:53I'm John Selford.
01:10:54Dr. Moneta is expecting me.
01:10:56Oh, yes, of course.
01:10:58My name's Martin.
01:10:59I'm a friend of the doctor's.
01:11:00How do you do?
01:11:04I'm afraid the doctor's not expecting you here this evening.
01:11:08But I wrote to Havelock, my solicitor.
01:11:10Oh, yes, I know.
01:11:11Unfortunately, the doctor was out when Mr. Havelock called,
01:11:13and I took the message myself.
01:11:15Then you'll be very surprised when he sees me here.
01:11:17It's many years since I've been home.
01:11:20Yes, I wonder you spend so much of your time abroad
01:11:22when you've got such a lovely place as this.
01:11:24I'm afraid I have to.
01:11:25Doctor's orders, you know.
01:11:26Oh, Glenda, this is Lord Selford.
01:11:29How do you do?
01:11:31How do you do?
01:11:32This is my friend Cornelius Sneed.
01:11:34How do you do?
01:11:35I travel a lot.
01:11:37You see, I'm debarred from most of the social activities of the country.
01:11:41My arm makes things a little difficult.
01:11:43Yes, you must find it a great handicap.
01:11:45Oh, one gets used to it.
01:11:46We spend quite a time admiring your beautiful possessions.
01:11:50Yes, they must have cost a packet.
01:11:52Some very fine pieces of porcelain.
01:11:55That vase, for instance.
01:12:02My father was a very ardent collector,
01:12:04but that, I imagine, belongs to Dr. Mineta.
01:12:06I don't ever remember seeing it.
01:12:08Exquisite piece, don't you think so, Cornelius?
01:12:10Yes, Chinese, I should think.
01:12:12Yes, probably about Ming.
01:12:14No, much earlier than that.
01:12:16Oh, no, no, Ming.
01:12:17Now, look at the markings.
01:12:19Yes, that's no proof.
01:12:20It's the design that matters.
01:12:21Design my foot.
01:12:24What do you say, Lord Selford?
01:12:26Well, I haven't seen it yet.
01:12:28Oh, no, of course not.
01:12:29Here, catch.
01:12:31What the devil does this mean?
01:12:33Well, caught, Lord Selford.
01:12:38If he's Lord Selford, I'm Mary, Queen of Scots.
01:12:41Good work, Martin.
01:12:44Take these things off.
01:12:45Not until you explain how that paralyzed arm of yours came to life so suddenly.
01:12:53The first time I meet a real lord, he turns out to be a phony.
01:12:59Don't you give me the horse laugh, you ape.
01:13:06Here, hello.
01:13:07Give me the nearest police station.
01:13:08Dick, how about June?
01:13:10As soon as the police arrive, I'm going to organize a search.
01:13:12Do you think that...
01:13:13I don't want to think.
01:13:24Please, stop.
01:13:34Please, stop.
01:13:39I want to go to Selford Manor, but I'm not quite sure which way.
01:13:43I'm very grateful to you.
01:13:44I lost my way.
01:13:49I said I lost my way.
01:13:51But fortunately, I found you.
01:14:13Where's Manetta?
01:14:14Where's Miss...
01:14:17Well, if my eyes don't deceive me, that's a 38 Auto.
01:14:21Remember, Andy?
01:14:36Oh, boy.
01:14:37Now we're getting somewhere.
01:14:39Oh, boy.
01:14:40Now we're getting somewhere.
01:15:00Sit down.
01:15:04Sleeping peacefully.
01:15:05Look what I found.
01:15:06Tom Crawler.
01:15:07Know him?
01:15:09He's one of the best penmen in the business.
01:15:10Poor Jerry.
01:15:12There's the answer to your Selford letters.
01:15:14Where's Miss Lansdowne?
01:15:16Get off, Andy.
01:15:17I'll make him talk.
01:15:18Hey, none of your backroom methods.
01:15:19All right.
01:15:20I'll tell you everything.
01:15:21It'll help me, won't it?
01:15:22Depends what you've got to say.
01:15:23Manetta's got the girl.
01:15:24She was at Cody's.
01:15:25I took her there.
01:15:26Where's that?
01:15:27About two miles away.
01:15:28But they've left by now.
01:15:30Answer, Glenda.
01:15:31That'll be the police.
01:15:33Go on.
01:15:34I'll keep an eye on the one-armed wonder.
01:15:37Where was Manetta going?
01:15:39To the tomb.
01:15:40That's where you'll find her, Inspector.
01:15:41At the tomb.
01:15:42The tomb.
01:16:06Stop it!
01:16:27Drop it, Manetta.
01:16:28I got you covered.
01:16:29Look out!
01:16:30a. Self defense.
01:16:42Have luck the lawyer that's one of the book so he was in it too I wonder what he
01:16:47came here for get this out of the tomb. I think this is going to tell us all we
01:16:55want to know. Looks like
01:16:58a death to do it is. Young John Selfords.
01:17:04And he died when he was eleven years of age.
01:17:11This is the secret of the door with
01:17:13a seven locks. So you were right. And all that time have locked and co were
01:17:19milking the estate and sending that young stooge abroad to collect the money.
01:17:24Incidentally I wonder who he came in the light a moment. The names are all here
01:17:30have locked Cody's silver collar. To meet out by Manetta that's funny
01:17:38I wonder why they all signed the certificate. That's what Manetta is going to tell us.
01:17:53You. Better
01:18:06go and get your police look after the body. I'm going up to Manetta. I know where I
01:18:12can find him.
01:18:13I don't. Want to know.
01:18:31I don't. Want to know.
01:18:43I don't want to know.
01:18:57Evening doctor. I can save you the trouble of going to the tomb you were going
01:19:02there when you seem to know a great deal about my movement and be surprised just
01:19:08learned since your partner Mr Havelock opened the tomb I congratulate you with
01:19:14Miss Lansdowne on and please Mr Martin surely as a detective it is your job to
01:19:20find that. Exactly what I'm going to do.
01:20:08I'm going to.
01:20:19Have your own medicine.
01:20:32To tell me where she is.
01:20:38Release me now.
01:21:08What the devil is going on here. What do you mean after a third degree or something
01:21:12well he asked for it would you get me some water please there is a tap in the
01:21:18corner. No very well the police can't use those methods I'm not in the police I
01:21:26resigned. As Miss Lansdowne but charging you with murder so you make this official
01:21:32Dr Manetta I arrest you on the charge of having been concerned with the late
01:21:36Edward Havelock in the murder of Edward Silver on or about let us take the usual
01:21:40warnings for that. So. Have a lot he's dead you were shot resisting arrest a
01:21:50weak fool our friend have a lot but we made good use of. Miss Lansdowne let us
01:21:58take the facts in the order of their importance I quite understand your anxiety
01:22:04Mr Marty. Tell me first what you discovered in the tool. This.
01:22:12What did mean.
01:22:21Our joint confession of guilt. The air was murdered no John Silver died from
01:22:27natural causes the people that signed that document were the only ones that knew
01:22:33his death. They were well paid to hold that. I have not. Have a look as
01:22:42executor of the estate provided the money. But the whole scheme was not as
01:22:50a certificate put there as an insurance against double D. Also each member of the
01:22:56syndicate was given one of the seven keys. Here they are. I got them back from
01:23:05the have a look when the tomb was open you found Silver's body in the vault yes
01:23:10and you will find the code is there to a suitable place for the dead don't you
01:23:15agree where the code is small fry that had to be liquidated trouble murder
01:23:21and well the penalty for three is no greater than for one. Craig did the killings
01:23:28he had quite a flair for. The so called air. But he told me he was dead years
01:23:36ago it was John Silver who died from then on have a lot to his face and
01:23:42impersonation he carried out very successful. Until tonight.
01:23:52Any more questions gentlemen yes what about the self adjure. In. Too difficult
01:24:00to dispose of. Miss Lansdowne will inherit. Also the remainder of the estate.
01:24:09I think she will find we have left her enough to. Satisfy a few simple.
01:24:22Keep it Mr Martin as a memento. It was a poison cup that once belonged to the
01:24:30students. This the liquid I have released has lost some of its potency.
01:24:38My presence here. Is a matter of. Where is Miss Lansdowne where is he.
01:24:46If you.
01:24:54Do they. You had what he said.
01:25:03Give me the answer.
01:25:33Well I'd be glad to see the bright lights again. Well I guess this is one car
01:25:40right I won't have to walk home from. Wake up. You know if you were a poor girl
01:25:47and deserving I'd marry you. I think so much of it. I'll give the money away to
01:25:53lend. Oh that's different.
01:26:02I don't like living dangerously.
01:26:04Can't really change.