• 9 years ago
As fun as getting a lift from Jon Jones it's Ernest Miller's Crossing!

Enemy Approaching by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Magnetic Beats by Ramiro Vaca (Rock'n Roll, C64)
Introduction 3 (Iggy) by Capcom (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future)

Thanks To...
Jimmy Havoc for the fabulous shitting intro. It was his idea and I'm not going to argue.
Pospac for the reverse 3D thing
AJUniverse for Owens USA
Lucha de Titanes for Nube Oscura vs Dr. Calambre
Guy from ZandigFans for Volador vs Flamita
Mark Johnston for Beachslam
#13Edeo13 for the unfortunate table dive
manateebee for the Future Stars of Wrestling
Olibacon for the CZW anime intro. Think it's Persona.
Brian Myers' Developmentally Speaking for the Gallows clip.
Eduardo Gonzalez