• 9 yıl önce
This is a clip of Renee Young appearing on the 2/15/15 episode of Total Divas All Hail Brie Mode. She appears and interacts with Rosa Mendes, Paige, and .\r
In this clip, Paige and Brie Bella decide to drink tequila with worms in it. This then makes Brie go into the world famous Brie Mode. Taken from the Total Divas .\r
Brie and Paige take the UK by storm making Nikki worry Bries extreme behavior will jeopardize their performance in the ring. Meanwhile, Nattie resorts to asking .\r
In this clip, Alicia Fox vomits before confronting her ex-boyfriend, Wade Barrett. This was taken from Season 3 Episode 16 episode All Hail Brie Mode. It aired .
