High School Senior Tips His Hat To The Less Fortunate In Peru

  • 8 years ago
People of Peru are getting new opportunities thanks to one awesome high school student. Ziggy Hallgarten a 17-year-old junior at Staples High School is Westport, CT takes his entrepreneur spirit and helps others in return.

Ziggy loves to wear winter hats; in fact, he wears them year round. After ordering several different brands online, he realized nothing really fit his style. Ziggy travels to Peru often with his mother for business, and decided to see if he could hire locals in Peru to design his dream hats. After some design and thread tweaking, the hat making is in full swing. He pays the locals $10 dollars to make the hats, helping the impoverished community, and then also donates 10% of his profits to the non-profit group Community Plates. His love for hats and helping others is improving lives across the world!