• 9 years ago
I HAVE A NEW VLOG CHANNEL! I'll try to keep these types of videos there from now on. More info after the intro:

Getting a Masters degree is not easy...neither is putting on a graduation hood, apparently. Haha. This is what it feels like to go on stage in front of hundreds of people and deliver a graduation speech.

----------------READ ME-------------
Lots of people don't know that in addition to this YouTube Channel, I have a VLOG where I share personal videos, answer questions, and post random things like this video. If you're interested in watching more, go here:


==SUBSCRIBE (It's free)==
http://www.bit.ly/SubscribeToEddieG (CAP sensitive)

==WIN a free T-shirt==

==More Videos==
bit.ly/MoreEddieG (CAP sensitive)

==Social Media Sites==
MAIN: http://www.youtube.com/EddieG
VLOG: http://www.youtube.com/HolaSoyEddieG
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ohemgeeitseddieg
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/OMGitsEddieG
Tumblr: http://www.omgitseddieg.tumblr.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ohemgeeitseddieg
Vine: http://www.vine.co/EddieG
Snapchat: OMGItsEddieGee (TWO EE's!)

Raul Guerra

Music Sources: AudioMicro and MelodyLoops.com
'Thats Me' by Mike Nowa
'Music Box' by Geoff Harvey
'Hopping Along' by E.L. Mahon
'Rock Star' by Owen Mulcahy
Royalty Free Music under Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 3.0

Blackboard in classroom with text (Knowledge Bomb) by Vector Open Stock | www.vectoropenstock.com


