Hack.Share.Care: an open source cure - Keynote - Futur en Seine 2016

  • il y a 8 ans
30′ Fireside chat with Flore Vasseur (english-speaking)

In 2012 Salvatore Iaconesi was diagnosed with a brain cancer. He decided to turn his cancer into a radical experiment by publishing online his medical data to crowdsource his cancer, to engage people from all over the world to find a cure and to discover what it could mean to be cured in the information age. « La Cura » in 2016 has become a book, that interweaves the intensely personal story narrated form the point of view of Salvatore and Oriana, his partner in work and live, a multidisciplinary research (from biopolitics to bigdata) and a toolkit whose intent is to suggest ways to actively preserve our human complexity in the age of interconnected knowledge. Salvatore and Oriana shares with Flore Vasseur how cancer – and the cures suggested by people worldwide – becomes a powerful metaphor of our condition as contemporary human beings in the digital era. www.la-cura.it

By SALVATORE IACONESI, Interaction designer, robotics engineer, artist, hacker
and ORIANA PERSICO, Artist, cyber-ecologist, expert in participatory policies and digital inclusion
