Sweeney Todd - Pretty Women + Paroles [KEOXPROD]

  • il y a 16 ans
Sweeney Todd :
What can I do for you today sir? Stylish trimming of the hair? Soothing skin massage. Sit sir. Sit.

Judge Turpin :
You see sir a man infatued with love. Her ardent amd eager slave. So fetch the pomade and pumice stone
and lend me a more seductive tone
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne but first sir I think a shave.

Sweeney Todd :
The closest I ever gave

Judge Turpin :
In a merry mood today Mr. Todd?

Sweeney Todd :
Tis your delight sir catching fire from one man to the next.

Judge Turpin :
Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound the heartly pyre. What more

Sweeney Todd :
What more?

Judge Turpin and Sweeney Todd :
Can man require

Judge Turpin :
Than love sir

Sweeney Todd :
More than love sir

Judge Turpin :
What sir?

Sweeney Todd :

Judge Turpin :
Ah yes women

Sweeney Todd :
Pretty women
Now then my friend.
Now to your purpose.
Patience. Enjoy it.
Revenge can�t be taken in haste.

Judge Turpin :
Make haste and in this work you�ll be commended sir

Sweeney Todd :
My lord�
And who may it be said is your intended sir?

Judge Turpin :
My ward
Pretty as a rose bud

Sweeney Todd :
Pretty as her mother?

Judge Turpin :
Huh? What was that?

Sweeney Todd(spoken) :
Nothing sir. Nothing.
Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!

Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them cheers the air.
Pretty women

Judge Turpin :

Sweeney Todd :
Stay within you,

Judge Turpin :

Sweeney Todd :
stay forever,

Judge Turpin :
Breathing lightly...

Sweeney Todd :
Pretty women,

Judge Turpin and Sweeney Todd(together and alternating):
Pretty women!