Seven stabbed at neo-Nazi rally outside California state Capitol

  • 8 years ago
SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA — Large-scale fighting took place outside the state Capitol building in Sacramento, California on Sunday after two groups of protesters began fighting.

According to the Los Angeles Times, 30 neo-Nazis from the Traditional Worker’s Party had acquired a permit to rally in front of the Capitol building at noon. While they were there, more than 400 counter-protesters showed up and surrounded the Capitol. Violent clashes soon broke out.

Legislative staff and tourists tourists hid in the Capitol’s basement for several hours while the violence was going on.

Seven people were stabbed, the Los Angeles Times reported. Some of the injured are in critical condition. KCRA-TV videographer John Breedlove said he saw a reporter get struck in the stomach by a counter-protester, the Los Angeles Times reported.

No one has been arrested in connection with the violence yet.