• 9 years ago
Last month, Newsflare filed a video of a monkey winding up a tiger in a tree in India. Now, new still photographs have emerged reportedly showing the same tiger catching and killing the cheeky primate.

The images, shot in May this year - the day after the first video - shows the female tiger Sharmili settling the score with the monkey.

Wildlife photographer Shekhar Soni, who went looking for the female tiger the day after the incident, reportedly said: "It was the same female tiger Sharmili falling off the tree trying to catch the monkey, but she missed it that time.

"The very next day when we were searching for her, we found the beast just around the corner carrying the monkey."

According to the uploader, a local journalist, Soni shot a sequence of five to six photographs of the cat carrying the dead monkey.

"Then she took the monkey to a water-hole before disappearing into the thick bushes," he added.

++EARLIER VIDEO OF MONKEY MOCKING TIGER AVAILABLE HERE: http://www.newsflare.com/video/74951/weather-nature/monkey-mocks-tiger-in-india++


