• 8 years ago
Published on YouTube on May 30, 2012 by xdesmond
Twin Tower, Trade Center 1, 1975: Several Hours of fire, spreading to 6 floors. No sprinkler system.

The North Tower Survived A Serious Fire in 1975
Seldom mentioned in the literature about the September 11th attack is the fact that the North Tower experienced a serious fire in 1975, when it was only sparsely occupied. On February 13, 1975, a fire, set by a custodian turned arsonist, started on the 11th floor and spread to limited portions of six other floors, burning for three hours. Several fire suppression systems that were later installed in the towers were not present at the time, including sprinklers, elevator shaft dampers, and electrical system fireproofing. 1

The fire, which broke out just before midnight, did not kill anyone but forced the evacuation of fifty people, consisting mostly of maintenance staff. The captain of Engine Co. 6 described the suppression effort as "like fighting a blow torch." One hundred thirty-two firefighters fought the fire, which burned primarily on the 11th floor. Sixteen men were treated for smoke inhalation. The New York Times reported that "flames could be seen pouring out of the 11th-floor windows" on the tower's east side, but described damage to the tower's core as "apparently confined to electrical wiring." 2 The fire spread to portions of the core beyond the 11th floor via telephone cables in a cable shaft.


De brand zou ca. 180 minuten duren, begon op de elfde verdieping en heeft zich door de kern van het gebouw via de elektrische bedrading in de liftschachten naar meerdere verdiepingen gebaand (verdieping 9 t/m 14). Zestien brandweerlieden zijn wegens rookvergiftiging behandeld. Na deze calamiteit zijn extra brandvoorzieningen aangebracht. Ook faciliteiten op de mechanical floors werden op advies van de brandweer verbeterd. In het hele gebouw kwamen sprinklerinstallaties. Liftschachten werden geïsoleerd, elektrische systemen brandvrij gemaakt. Door de onderbroken en nadien extra beveiligde liftzones werd uitgesloten dat de branden via de liftschachten gevoed konden worden met zuurstof, of dat branden via deze schachten konden doorslaan naar andere delen van het gebouw.


