Meditation (Literally) Saved This LA Man’s Life; Now He’s Saving Others

  • 8 years ago
After one LA man hit rock bottom, only meditation could save him! Swami Varadan was born in India and moved to Silicon Valley when he was two-years old. His adult life seems to be perfection, working on the radio with Ryan Seacrest and then with iHeart Media. He seemed to have it all… until he lost it all. Within the span of a month, after losing his car, his job and his home, Swami had no other choice than to move in with his parents in their 2 bedroom Northern California apartment at the age of 31. Shortly after his arrival, Swami’s uncle, grandmother and best friend passed away.

After losing his best friend to cancer, Swami fell into a deep depression. Still unemployed, he to dove into severely unhealthy patterns and addictions. He was 30 seconds away from literally walking in front of a train when he had an out of body spiritual awakening. He left the train track and promised to better his life and better others.

He is now a meditation and mindfulness teacher in Los Angeles, Indian cook and is back on the radio, passing on advance about his own transformation to others. Swami’s goal is to bring mindfulness to the masses, specifically focusing on the millennial population, as well as the impoverished the underprivileged. He teaches meditation at The Boys and Girls clubs of East Los Angeles and at different schools in Los Angeles!