A skateboarder breaking the windscreen of a McLaren

  • il y a 8 ans
A child who was at the skate in the middle of the road has no appr ci to honk the Horn by the driver of a McLaren 12 c. The child gave a shot of skateboarding in the windshield of the car and fled by running. The passenger of the car left his pursuit. Unfortunately, it is not the moment o it breaks the windshield, because the person filming in vertical (!) He was filming the priori sunset). History does not tell if the passenger has made the child. R. result of the operation, a big impact on the windshield and a replacement which should listen to the driver about 3000 EUR The McLaren MP4 - 12 c is a sports car with a power of 600 HP able to wait the 330 km/h and 100 km/h in 3, 2 s. It cost the modest sum of 230 000 EUR (no option).

