• 9 years ago
It's Botchamania 316: Singin' in the Roman Reigns!

E1M9 - Hiding the Secrets by Bobby Prince (Doom)
Head-to-head by Yugo Kanno (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders)
The Wanderer by Dion
Diamonds & Guns by The Transplants

Thanks To...
Trevor Lee for the fabulous intro.
TOMMY HAM for the Dusty Rhodes promo. No, it didn't air.
Adam Scraga for the Terry Funk vs. Virgil vs. Fan match
Eric Schomburg for the Heenan IC mistake
Rappler.com for the Big E interview
RavenCyarm for the Darren Young/Simpsons
ShermMcNasty for the Double Dragon ending
Kdog96 for the Wagon ending

I only used the good Game Night bloopers, so it may look lazy, it's only half-lazy.

I don't usually use anime music but the JoJo OST is so good.