• il y a 17 ans
Trouble Funk occupait une position influente et réussie de R & B et funk bande de Washington DC. They helped to popularise the Washington, DC funk subgenre go-go . Ils ont contribué à populariser le Washington funk subgenre go-go. Among their well-known songs is the go-go anthem "Hey Fellas". Parmi leurs chansons bien connues est l'hymne go-go "Hey Fellas". They released several studio albums including Drop the Bomb , In Times of Trouble , and Trouble Over Here, Trouble Over There , and two live albums, Trouble Funk - Straight Up Go-Go Style and Saturday Night Live . Ils ont sorti plusieurs albums studio dont Drop the Bomb, In Times of Trouble, et Trouble Over Here, Trouble Over There, et deux albums live, Trouble Funk - Straight Up Go-Go Style et Saturday Night Live. In 1982 they released a single "So Early In The Morning" on DETT Records (Both sides are 7:00 Min. long - Vocal and Special Mix). En 1982,

