Democratic National Convention: 5 stories to watch

  • 8 years ago
Democratic National Convention: 5 stories to watch How unified is the Democratic Party?
With news of leaked documents showing that the DNC may have helped try to defeat Bernie Sanders, it is unclear how the Vermont senator’s supporters will respond to Hillary Clinton’s nomination.
How will Tim Kaine perform?
How he positions himself in his speech, especially how much he stresses his work as a civil rights attorney, could go a along way toward building bridges with Sanders supporters.
Will there be any spontaneity?
There is likely some concern that, next to the RNC, the Democratic Convention will be boring.
Clinton is a policy-focused politician who doesn’t exactly have a flair for drama.
The party may have to find a way to make this week just as “must-see” as Donald Trump’s performance in Cleveland.
What will Bernie say?
There is little chance that Bernie Sanders will “pull a Cruz,” and not tell his supporters to vote for Clinton.
But, Sanders launched a new movement within the Democratic Party, one he's made clear he wants to keep leading after this election.
Can Hillary win over the wary?
Will she get moderate Republicans and independents who don’t like Trump but aren’t sold on her to jump ships and push her to victory in November?
