10 Popular Disney Movie Locations That Actually Exist In Real Life!

  • 8 yıl önce
Imaginations can be a powerful thing. They’ve helped us get through childhood and maybe even that office meeting we had last week. But it’s not just about playing around and wasting time. What we imagine and the fictional worlds we create are often greatly influenced by the world around us. Just look at Disney. You might think their animated films are total fiction but many of the locations they use – from palaces to villages – are inspired by real places.
Our imaginations can be a very powerful tool. After all, think back to when you were a kid and how often you dreamt up make-belief situations and characters to help fill a day. Maybe you pretended you were battling with an army of ninja assassins? Perhaps your dolls had their own special characteristics that only you knew about? Maybe that ‘war’ between you and your friends involved thousands of men, tanks and planes that existed only because you imagined they did. In all of these instances, our imaginations play a massive role. Sure, much of what inspired us was totally made up nonsense but there was likely a lot that came from reality. Perhaps something you saw on television, read in a book or a location you visited - all are experiences which can influence our imaginations.
While our imaginations are responsible for a lot of creations, sometimes we use the world around us as a starting point. Just look at entertainment giant Disney. Over the last several decades, Disney has produced a long line of movies which have entertained us and taken us to far off destinations. Often animated and filled with a range of fascinating and bizarre characters, the places Disney uses in their animated hits are fiction – or are they? As you’ll see, the real world can, and often does, play a big role in influencing the movie creators. From castles to towns we see in our favorite animated movies, it turns out there is a corresponding real-life location that inspired the whole thing.


