Man pranked into believing fake nuclear war newsreel

  • 8 years ago
A hilarious video has emerged of a Scottish man believing the UK to be under a nuclear attack from Russia while being played a fake news bulletin.

The footage, captured at a home near Glasgow, UK last Friday, shows Scotsman Billy Fraser growing increasingly agitated while the apocalyptic news reel plays out on the TV.

Fraser can be heard despairing of the situation as it is announced that Russian troops are making their way through eastern Europe.

After an emergency broadcast warning of an impending nuclear attack, he tries to get his family into a car to drive 'up north'.

Fraser is then told that it was a prank, prompting howls of laughter from his family.

"I've sent an f***ing email!" he yells, before exiting the room in a huff.

Writing online about the hilarious prank, Fraser's daughter Dawn Menzies said: "He doesn't take too kindly to pranks as you can see at the end... Also has severe anger management issues (like most Scottish men!)

"He'll be in hiding for months now," She added.