Vagina Trailer - Extreme Cannibalistic Comedy (MacabroFilms 2007) - GERMAN TRAILER

  • 8 years ago

Lavrentios Papakalergis (Panagiotis Xanthopoulos) is a very interesting young artist, who tries to find jobs as an actor in Theatre and in movies. He goes to auditions with a monologue he has written himself, titled "PUSSY", a very serious piece about the existence of humans and the meaning of life. It is his field of expertise after all, as he constantly thinks about Vaginas, and has also a great reputation on how he uses his tongue and mouth on them.

He gives guitar lessons to girls for a living, but almost every time he ends up giving them oral satisfaction, probably the main reason why they visit him, cause none of them looks interested in learning music. His final move that provides a strong orgasm to them, is biting and eating their pussies - eating as in REAL EATING / CONSUMING - that adds to the experience.

Experiences and the constant exercise turn his small monologue into a masterpiece, that sounds better and better each and every time. He slowly becomes a great actor!

THE MAIN REASON THAT I CREATED THIS MOVIE together with Panagiotis Xanthopoulos, apart from the brilliant monologue and how funny it is, was to make a short movie that can follow all the steps of SHORT FILM MAKING, and to send it to various film festivals. The movie is shot exactly like many short movies are, with pretentious deep meanings, poetry, long stupid shots with no cuts, jump cuts and changes in the script with no apparent reason, and exactly like many short movies, it doesn't really make much sense. BUT, THE REAL DEAL IS THE CONTENT OF THE MONOLOGUE AND THE TITLE! Yes, the movie was shown in various film festivals with great success, and yes, on every brochure and official festival catalogue and website, you could read something like Filip Chalatsis' VAGINA. The movie can probably hold the record for most PUSSY words in a single movie and will probably make you laugh out loud at some point without even realizing why. It works like a psychological subliminal error, that can trigger a reaction in the brain, simply because it is probably the most awkward and bizarre little movie you could ever find.

Directed, written and produced by Filip Halo (Chalatsis)
Starring: Panagiotis Xanthopoulos, Filip Chalatsis (OFF SCREEN), Haritomeni Gourasa, Elisabeth Boutraki, Jimmy Citro
Language: Greek (with English Subtitles)
